Channel Tunnel Rail Link Act 1996

Work No. 16A—U.K.A railway (4,555 metres in length) commencing by a junction with the railway (Work No. 16) at a point 5 metres south-east of the commencement of that work, passing south-eastwards on the northern side of that railway, in tunnel for a distance of 405 metres beneath Chart Road (Work No. 16F), then passing southwards over the railway (Work No. 16) in tunnel, then south-eastwards and eastwards under Beaver Road (Work No. 16N), on existing bridges over the Great Stour and the East Stour Rivers, under Work No. 16, and Boys Hall Road (Work No. 16Q) and terminating by a junction with Work No. 16 at its termination, including bridges over Work No. 16K and the Aylesford Stream (Work No. 16S);