SCHEDULE 1 Scheduled Works

Description of works

Work No Ashford Barracks to Sevington

A railway (4,535 metres in length) commencing by a junction with the railway (Work No. 15) at its termination, passing south-eastwards to a point 130 metres north-west of the existing junction of Godinton Road with Chart Road, then in tunnel for a distance of 565 metres beneath Chart Road (Work No. 16F) and Godinton Road (Works Nos. 16G and 16H), the railway (Work No. 16A) and the Maidstone and Ashford Railway (Work No. 16C), then under Beaver Road (Work No. 16N), over the Great Stour and the East Stour Rivers, the Ashford and Canterbury Railway and the railways (Works Nos. 16C and 16D), then over the railways (Works Nos. 16A and 16E), under Boys Hall Road (Work No. 16Q), and terminating at a point 225 metres west of the western side of the existing bridge carrying Bad Munstereifel Road over the Ashford and Folkestone Railway at Sevington, including bridges over Works Nos. 16A, 16C, 16D and 16E, the Great Stour and the East Stour Rivers, the Ashford and Canterbury Railway, and the Aylesford Stream (Work No. 16S);