Part III Training and other duties

Commitments to perform additional duties

25 Additional duties commitments.


A member of a reserve force may enter into a commitment in writing under this section (an additional duties commitment) to perform such duties, for such period or periods, as may be specified in the commitment.


A person who has entered into an additional duties commitment, in relation to each period of duty contemplated by the commitment—


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F2shall, from any time specified in the commitment as the time at which he is to begin that period of duty until released from duty, perform such duties as he may, in accordance with the terms of the commitment and any orders or regulations under section 4, be required to perform;


shall, if not released from duty sooner, be entitled to be released from duty with all convenient speed in the prescribed manner at the end of that period.


An additional duties commitment—


shall specify—


the duties to be performed by the person concerned (in general or specific terms);


the period or periods for which he is to perform duties;


the time and place at which he is to begin performing duties or, if there is to be more than one period of duty, the times and places at which he is to begin performing duties on each such occasion;


may include terms requiring that person—


to perform any duties outside the United Kingdom; or


to serve with any of the regular services for the purposes of performing any duties; and


may contain such other terms relating to the duties to be performed by that person as are included in accordance with orders or regulations under section 4.


An additional duties commitment—


may, with the consent of the member concerned, be varied in accordance with orders or regulations under section 4;


may be revoked at any time by an authorised officer (whether at the request of the member concerned or otherwise) giving written notice to that effect to the member concerned; and


shall terminate (if not revoked sooner) on the release of the member concerned from the last period of duty contemplated by the commitment.


A person’s duties under an additional duties commitment are in addition to any other obligations of his as a member of a reserve force.


The duties specified in an additional duties commitment may include undertaking training.


In this section “authorised officer” means an officer authorised by or in accordance with directions of the Defence Council for the purposes of this section.