  1. Introductory Text

  2. Part I Young Offenders

    1. Secure training orders

      1. 1.Secure training orders

      2. 2.Secure training orders: supplementary provisions as to detention

      3. 3.Supervision under secure training order

      4. 4.Breaches of requirements of supervision of persons subject to secure training orders

      5. 5.Provision etc. of secure training centres

      6. 6.Management of secure training centres

      7. 7.Contracting out of secure training centres

      8. 8.Officers of contracted out secure training centres

      9. 9.Powers and duties of custody officers employed at contracted out secure training centres

      10. 10.Intervention by Secretary of State in management of contracted out secure training centres

      11. 11.Contracted out functions at directly managed secure training centres

      12. 12.Escort arrangements and officers

      13. 13.Protection of custody officers at secure training centres

      14. 14.Wrongful disclosure of information relating to offenders detained at secure training centres

      15. 15.Interpretation of sections 7 to 14

    2. Custodial sentences for young offenders

      1. 16.Long term detention of young offenders

      2. 17.Maximum length of detention for young offenders

      3. 18.Accommodation of young offenders sentenced to custody for life

    3. Secure accommodation for certain young persons

      1. 19.Extension of kinds of secure accommodation

      2. 20.Secure remands for young offenders

      3. 21.Cost of secure accommodation

      4. 22.Management of secure accommodation

    4. Arrest of young persons in breach of conditions of remand

      1. 23.Liability of young persons to arrest for breaking conditions of remand

    5. Police detention of young persons

      1. 24.Detention of arrested juveniles after charge

  3. Part II Bail

    1. 25.No bail for defendants charged with or convicted of homicide or rape after previous conviction of such offences

    2. 26.No right to bail for persons accused or convicted of committing offence while on bail

    3. 27.Power for police to grant conditional bail to persons charged

    4. 28.Police detention after charge

    5. 29.Power for police to arrest for failure to answer to police bail

    6. 30.Reconsideration of decisions granting bail

  4. Part III Course of Justice: Evidence, Procedure, Etc.

    1. Imputations on character

      1. 31.Imputations on character

    2. Corroboration

      1. 32.Abolition of corroboration rules

      2. 33.Abolition of corroboration requirements under Sexual Offences Act 1956

    3. Inferences from accused’s silence

      1. 34.Effect of accused’s failure to mention facts when questioned or charged

      2. 35.Effect of accused’s silence at trial

      3. 36.Effect of accused’s failure or refusal to account for objects, substances or marks

      4. 37.Effect of accused’s failure or refusal to account for presence at a particular place

      5. 38.Interpretation and savings for sections 34, 35, 36 and 37

      6. 39.Power to apply sections 34 to 38 to armed forces

    4. Juries

      1. 40.Disqualification for jury service of persons on bail in criminal proceedings

      2. 41.Jury service: disabled persons

      3. 42.Jury service: excusal on religious grounds

      4. 43.Separation of jury during consideration of verdict

    5. Procedure, jurisdiction and powers of magistrates' courts

      1. 44.Transfer for trial instead of committal proceedings

      2. 45.Extension of procedures enabling magistrates' courts to deal with cases in which accused pleads guilty

      3. 46.Criminal damage, etc. as summary offence: relevant sum

      4. 47.Recovery of fines, etc. by deduction from income support

    6. Sentencing: guilty pleas

      1. 48.Reduction in sentences for guilty pleas

    7. Publication of reports in young offender cases

      1. 49.Restrictions on reports of proceedings in which children or young persons are concerned

    8. Child testimony

      1. 50.Video recordings of testimony from child witnesses

    9. Intimidation, etc., of witnesses, jurors and others

      1. 51.Intimidation, etc., of witnesses, jurors and others

    10. Criminal appeals

      1. 52.Circuit judges to act as judges of criminal division of Court of Appeal

      2. 53.Expenses in criminal appeals in Northern Ireland Court of Appeal

  5. Part IV Police Powers

    1. Powers of police to take body samples

      1. 54.Powers of police to take intimate body samples

      2. 55.Powers of police to take non-intimate body samples

      3. 56.Fingerprints and samples: supplementary provisions

      4. 57.Retention of samples in certain cases

      5. 58.Samples: intimate and non-intimate etc

      6. 59.Extension of powers to search persons' mouths

    2. Powers of police to stop and search

      1. 60.Powers to stop and search in anticipation of violence

  6. Part V Public Order: Collective Trespass or Nuisance on Land

    1. Powers to remove trespassers on land

      1. 61.Power to remove trespassers on land

      2. 62.Supplementary powers of seizure

    2. Powers in relation to raves

      1. 63.Powers to remove persons attending or preparing for a rave

      2. 64.Supplementary powers of entry and seizure

      3. 65.Raves: power to stop persons from proceeding

      4. 66.Power of court to forfeit sound equipment

    3. Retention and charges for seized property

      1. 67.Retention and charges for seized property

    4. Disruptive trespassers

      1. 68.Offence of aggravated trespass

      2. 69.Powers to remove persons committing or participating in aggravated trespass

    5. Trespassory assemblies

      1. 70.Trespassory assemblies

      2. 71.Trespassory assemblies: power to stop persons from proceeding

    6. Squatters

      1. 72.Violent entry to premises: special position of displaced residential occupiers and intending occupiers

      2. 73.Adverse occupation of residential premises

      3. 74.Protected intending occupiers: supplementary provisions

      4. 75.Interim possession orders: false or misleading statements

      5. 76.Interim possession orders: trespassing during currency of order

    7. Powers to remove unauthorised campers

      1. 77.Power of local authority to direct unauthorised campers to leave land

      2. 78.Orders for removal of persons and their vehicles unlawfully on land

      3. 79.Provisions as to directions under s. 77 and orders under s. 78

      4. 80.Repeal of certain provisions relating to gipsy sites

  7. Part VI Prevention of Terrorism

    1. 81.Powers to stop and search vehicles, etc. and persons

    2. 82.Offences relating to terrorism

    3. 83.Investigations into activities and financial resources of terrorist organisations

  8. Part VII Obscenity and Pornography and Videos

    1. Obscene publications and indecent photographs of children

      1. 84.Indecent pseudo-photographs of children

      2. 85.Arrestable offences to include certain offences relating to obscenity or indecency

      3. 86.Indecent photographs of children: sentence of imprisonment

      4. 87.Publishing, displaying, selling or distributing etc. obscene material in Scotland: sentence of imprisonment

    2. Video recordings

      1. 88.Video recordings: increase in penalties

      2. 89.Video recordings: restriction of exemptions

      3. 90.Video recordings: suitability

      4. 91.Enforcement by enforcing authorities outside their areas

    3. Obscene, offensive or annoying telephone calls

      1. 92.Obscene, offensive or annoying telephone calls: increase in penalty

  9. Part VIII Prison Services and the Prison Service

    1. Chapter I England and Wales

      1. Prisoner escorts

        1. 93.Arrangements for the provision of prisoner escorts

        2. 94.Powers and duties of prisoner custody officers acting in pursuance of such arrangements

        3. 95.Breaches of discipline by prisoners under escort

      2. Contracted out prisons etc.

        1. 96.Contracted out parts of prisons, etc

        2. 97.Temporary attachment of prison officers

        3. 98.Prisoners temporarily out of prison

      3. Miscellaneous

        1. 99.Contracted out functions at directly managed prisons

        2. 100.Provision of prisons by contractors

      4. Supplemental

        1. 101.Minor and consequential amendments

    2. Chapter II cotland

      1. Prisoner escorts

        1. 102.Arrangements for the provision of prisoner escorts

        2. 103.Monitoring of prisoner escort arrangements

        3. 104.Powers and duties of prisoner custody officers performing escort functions

        4. 105.Breaches of discipline by prisoners under escort

      2. Contracted out prisons

        1. 106.Contracting out of prisons

        2. 107.Officers of contracted out prisons

        3. 108.Powers and duties of prisoner custody officers employed at contracted out prisons

        4. 109.Breaches of discipline by prisoners temporarily out of contracted out prison

        5. 110.Consequential modifications of 1989 Act, prison rules and directions

        6. 111.Intervention by the Secretary of State

      3. Contracted out functions

        1. 112.Contracted out functions at directly managed prisons

      4. Provision of new prisons

        1. 113.Provision of new prisons

      5. Supplemental

        1. 114.Prisoner custody officers: general provisions

        2. 115.Wrongful disclosure of information

        3. 116.Minor and consequential amendments

        4. 117.Interpretation of Chapter II

    3. Chapter III orthern Ireland

      1. Prisoner escorts

        1. 118.Arrangements for the provision of prisoner escorts

        2. 119.Monitoring etc. of prisoner escort arrangements

        3. 120.Powers and duties of prisoner custody officers acting in pursuance of such arrangements

        4. 121.Breaches of discipline by prisoners under escort

      2. Supplemental

        1. 122.Certification of custody officers

        2. 123.Protection of prisoner custody officers

        3. 124.Wrongful disclosure of information

        4. 125.Interpretation of Chapter III

    4. Chapter IV he Prison Service

      1. 126.Service in England and Wales and Northern Ireland

      2. 127.Inducements to withhold services or to indiscipline

      3. 128.Pay and related conditions

  10. Part IX Miscellaneous Amendments: Scotland

    1. 129.Transfer of persons detained by police and customs officers

    2. 130.Detention and release of children: Scotland

    3. 131.Conditions in licence of released prisoner: requirement for Parole Board recommendations

    4. 132.Provision for standard requirements in supervised release orders in Scotland

    5. 133.Extension of categories of prisoner to whom Part I of Prisoners and Criminal Proceedings (Scotland) Act 1993 applies

    6. 134.Amendment of provisions continued in effect for certain prisoners by Prisoners and Criminal Proceedings (Scotland) Act 1993

    7. 135.Further amendment of Schedule 6 to the Prisoners and Criminal Proceedings (Scotland) Act 1993: application of “new provisions”

  11. Part X Cross-Border Enforcement

    1. 136.Execution of warrants

    2. 137.Cross-border powers of arrest etc

    3. 138.Powers of arrest etc.: supplementary provisions

    4. 139.Search powers available on arrests under sections 136 and 137

    5. 140.Reciprocal powers of arrest

    6. 141.Aid of one police force by another

  12. Part XI Sexual Offences

    1. Rape

      1. 142.Rape of women and men

    2. Male rape and buggery

      1. 143.Male rape and buggery

    3. Revised penalties for certain sexual offences

      1. 144.Revised penalties for buggery and indecency between men

    4. Homosexuality

      1. 145.Age at which homosexual acts are lawful

      2. 146.Extension of Sexual Offences Act 1967 to the armed forces and merchant navy

      3. 147.Homosexuality on merchant ships and in the armed forces: Northern Ireland

      4. 148.Amendment of law relating to homosexual acts in Scotland

  13. Part XII Miscellaneous and General

    1. The Parole Board

      1. 149.Incorporation of the Parole Board

      2. 150.Powers to recall prisoners released on licence

    2. Prisons: powers in relation to prisoners, visitors and others

      1. 151.Power to test prisoners for drugs

      2. 152.Powers of search by authorised employees in prisons

      3. 153.Prohibited articles in Scottish prisons

    3. Harassment, alarm or distress

      1. 154.Offence of causing intentional harassment, alarm or distress

    4. Offence of racially inflammatory publication etc. to be arrestable

      1. 155.Offence of racially inflammatory publication etc. to be arrestable

    5. Prohibition on use of cells from embryos or foetuses

      1. 156.Prohibition on use of cells from embryos or foetuses

    6. Increase in certain penalties

      1. 157.Increase in penalties for certain offences

    7. Extradition procedures

      1. 158.Extradition procedures

      2. 159.Backing of warrants: Republic of Ireland

    8. Constabulary powers in United Kingdom waters

      1. 160.Extension of powers, etc., of constables to United Kingdom waters

    9. Obtaining computer-held information

      1. 161.Procuring disclosure of, and selling, computer-held personal information

      2. 162.Access to computer material by constables and other enforcement officers

    10. Closed-circuit television by local authorities

      1. 163.Local authority powers to provide closed-circuit television

    11. Serious fraud

      1. 164.Extension of powers of Serious Fraud Office and of powers to investigate serious fraud in Scotland

    12. Copyright and illicit recordings: enforcement of offences

      1. 165.Enforcement of certain offences relating to copyright and illicit recordings

    13. Ticket touts

      1. 166.Sale of tickets by unauthorised persons

    14. Taxi touts

      1. 167.Touting for hire car services

    15. General

      1. 168.Minor and consequential amendments and repeals

      2. 169.Power of Secretary of State to make payments or grants in relation to crime prevention, etc

      3. 170.Security costs at party conferences

      4. 171.Expenses etc. under Act

      5. 172.Short title, commencement and extent

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Escort Arrangements: England and Wales

      1. Arrangements for the escort of offenders detained at secure training centres

        1. 1.(1) The Secretary of State may make arrangements for any...

      2. Monitoring etc. of escort arrangements

        1. 2.(1) Escort arrangements shall include the appointment of—

      3. Powers and duties of custody officers acting in pursuance of escort arrangements

        1. 3.(1) A custody officer acting in pursuance of escort arrangements...

      4. Interpretation

        1. 4.In this Schedule— “escort arrangements” has the meaning given by...

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Certification of Custody Officers: England and Wales

      1. Preliminary

        1. 1.In this Schedule— “certificate” means a certificate under section 12(3)...

      2. Issue of certificates

        1. 2.(1) Any person may apply to the Secretary of State...

      3. Suspension of certificate

        1. 3.(1) This paragraph applies where at any time—

      4. Revocation of certificate

        1. 4.Where at any time it appears to the Secretary of...

      5. False statements

        1. 5.If any person, for the purpose of obtaining a certificate...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Bail: Supplementary Provisions

      1. Bail Act 1976

        1. 1.Section 5 of the Bail Act 1976 (supplementary provisions about...

        2. 2.After section 5 of the Bail Act 1976 there shall...

      2. Magistrates' Courts Act 1980

        1. 3.After section 43A of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 there...

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Transfer for Trial

      1. Part I Provisions Substituted for Sections 4 to 8 of Magistrates' Courts Act 1980

      2. Part II Consequential Amendments

        1. Preliminary

          1. 1.In this Part of this Schedule— “the 1853 Act” means...

        2. Criminal Procedure Act 1853 (c. 30.)

          1. 2.In section 9 of the 1853 Act (bringing up a...

        3. Territorial Waters Jurisdiction Act 1878 (c. 73.)

          1. 3.In section 4 of the 1878 Act (procedure under that...

        4. Explosive Substances Act 1883 (c. 3.)

          1. 4.In section 6(3) of the 1883 Act (inquiry by Attorney-General,...

        5. Children and Young Persons Act 1933 (c. 12.)

          1. 5.In section 42 of the Children and Young Persons Act...

          2. 6.In section 56(1) of the Children and Young Persons Act...

        6. Administration of Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1933 (c. 36.)

          1. 7.(1) Section 2 of the 1933 Act (procedure for indictment...

        7. Criminal Justice Act 1948 (c. 58.)

          1. 8.(1) The 1948 Act shall be amended as follows.

        8. Prison Act 1952 (c. 52.)

          1. 9.(1) Section 43 of the 1952 Act (remand centres, etc.)...

          2. 10.In section 47(5) of the 1952 Act (rules for the...

        9. Army Act 1955 (c. 18.)

          1. 11.In section 187(4) of the 1955 Act (proceedings against persons...

        10. Air Force Act 1955 (c. 19.)

          1. 12.In section 187(4) of the Air Force Act 1955 (proceedings...

        11. Geneva Conventions Act 1957 (c. 52.)

          1. 13.In section 5 of the Geneva Conventions Act 1957 (reduction...

        12. Naval Discipline Act 1957 (c. 53.)

          1. 14.In section 109(4) of the 1957 Act (proceedings against persons...

        13. Criminal Justice Act 1967 (c. 80.)

          1. 15.(1) The 1967 Act shall be amended as follows.

        14. Criminal Appeal Act 1968 (c. 19.)

          1. 16.In section 1(3) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 (limitation...

        15. Firearms Act 1968 (c. 27.)

          1. 17.In paragraph 3(3) of Part II of Schedule 6 to...

        16. Theft Act 1968 (c. 60.)

          1. 18.In section 28(4) of the Theft Act 1968 (orders for...

        17. Children and Young Persons Act 1969 (c. 54.)

          1. 19.In section 23(1) of the 1969 Act (remands and committals...

        18. Powers of Criminal Courts Act 1973 (c. 62.)

          1. 20.In section 21(2) of the 1973 Act (restriction on imposing...

          2. 21.In section 32(1)(b) of the 1973 Act (enforcement, etc., of...

        19. Bail Act 1976 (c. 63.)

          1. 22.In section 3 of the 1976 Act (incidents of bail...

          2. 23.In section 5 of the 1976 Act (supplementary provisions about...

          3. 24.In section 6(6)(b) of the 1976 Act (absconding by person...

          4. 25.In section 9(3)(b) of the 1976 Act (agreeing to indemnify...

        20. Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1976 (c. 82.)

          1. 26.In section 3 of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1976...

          2. 27.In section 4(6)(c) of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1976...

        21. Interpretation Act 1978 (c. 30.)

          1. 28.In Schedule 1 to the 1978 Act—

        22. Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 (c. 2.)

          1. 29.(1) The 1979 Act shall be amended as follows.

        23. Reserve Forces Act 1980 (c. 9.)

          1. 30.In paragraph 2(4) of Schedule 5 to the Reserve Forces...

        24. Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 (c. 43.)

          1. 31.(1) Section 2 of the 1980 Act (jurisdiction of magistrates'...

          2. 32.In section 19 of the 1980 Act (court to consider...

          3. 33.In section 20 of the 1980 Act (procedure where summary...

          4. 34.In section 21 of the 1980 Act (procedure where trial...

          5. 35.(1) Section 23 of the 1980 Act (procedure where court...

          6. 36.(1) Section 24 of the 1980 Act (trial of child...

          7. 37.(1) Section 25 of the 1980 Act (court’s power to...

          8. 38.For section 26 of the 1980 Act (power to issue...

          9. 39.In section 28 of the 1980 Act (use in summary...

          10. 40.In section 29 of the 1980 Act (remission of person...

          11. 41.In section 42 of the 1980 Act (restriction on justices...

          12. 42.(1) Section 97 of the 1980 Act (summons to witness)...

          13. 43.(1) Section 128 of the 1980 Act (remand in custody...

          14. 44.In section 129 of the 1980 Act (further remand), in...

          15. 45.In section 130 of the 1980 Act (transfer of remand...

          16. 46.In section 145(1)(f) of the 1980 Act (rules: supplementary provisions),...

          17. 47.(1) Schedule 3 to the 1980 Act (corporations) shall be...

          18. 48.In paragraph 5 of Schedule 5 to the 1980 Act...

        25. Criminal Attempts Act 1981 (c. 47.)

          1. 49.In section 2(2)(g) of the Criminal Attempts Act 1981 (application...

        26. Contempt of Court Act 1981 (c. 49.)

          1. 50.In section 4(3)(b) of the Contempt of Court Act 1981...

        27. Supreme Court Act 1981 (c. 54)

          1. 51.In section 76 of the 1981 Act (alteration of place...

          2. 52.(1) Section 77 of the 1981 Act (date of Crown...

          3. 53.In section 80(2) of the 1981 Act (process to compel...

        28. Criminal Justice Act 1982 (c. 48.)

          1. 54.In section 1(2) of the 1982 Act (restrictions on custodial...

          2. 55.In section 3(2) of the 1982 Act (restriction on imposing...

        29. Mental Health Act 1983 (c. 20.)

          1. 56.(1) Section 52 of the 1983 Act (provisions relating to...

        30. County Courts Act 1984 (c. 28.)

          1. 57.In section 57(1) of the 1984 Act (evidence of prisoners),...

        31. Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (c. 60.)

          1. 58.In section 62(10)(a) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act...

        32. Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 (c. 23.)

          1. 59.In section 16 of the 1985 Act (defence costs)—

          2. 60.In section 21(6) of the 1985 Act (interpretation, etc.), in...

          3. 61.In section 22 of the 1985 Act (time limits for...

          4. 62.In section 23 of the 1985 Act (discontinuance of proceedings...

        33. Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 (c. 5.)

          1. 63.In paragraph 12(1) of Schedule 11 to the 1986 Act...

        34. Criminal Justice Act 1987 (c. 38.)

          1. 64.(1) The 1987 Act shall be amended as follows.

        35. Criminal Justice Act 1988 (c. 33.)

          1. 65.In section 40 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (power...

          2. 66.(1) Section 41 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 shall...

        36. Legal Aid Act 1988 (c. 34.)

          1. 67.In section 20 of the 1988 Act (authorities competent to...

          2. 68.In section 21 of the 1988 Act (availability of criminal...

          3. 69.(1) Schedule 3 to the 1988 Act (enforcement of contribution...

        37. Coroners Act 1988 (c. 13.)

          1. 70.In section 16 of the Coroners Act 1988 (adjournment of...

          2. 71.In section 17 of the Coroners Act 1988 (supplementary provisions...

        38. War Crimes Act 1991 (c. 13.)

          1. 72.In the War Crimes Act 1991— (a) in section 1(4)...

        39. Criminal Justice Act 1991 (c. 53.)

          1. 73.(1) The 1991 Act shall be amended as follows.

        40. Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1992 (c. 34.)

          1. 74.In section 6(3)(c) of the 1992 Act, for the words...

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Magistrates' Courts: Dealing with cases where accused pleads guilty

      1. Non-appearance of accused: plea of guilty

        1. 1.For section 12 of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 (“the...

      2. Application of section 12 procedure where accused appears

        1. 2.After section 12 of the 1980 Act there shall be...

      3. Consequential amendments

        1. 3.(1) In consequence of the amendments made by paragraphs 1...

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Certification of Prisoner Custody Officers: Scotland

      1. Preliminary

        1. 1.In this Schedule— “certificate” means a certificate under section 114...

      2. Issue of certificates

        1. 2.(1) The Secretary of State may, on the application of...

      3. Suspension of certificate

        1. 3.(1) This paragraph applies where at any time—

      4. Revocation of certificate

        1. 4.Where at any time (whether on a reference to him...

      5. False statements

        1. 5.If any person, for the purpose of obtaining a certificate...

    7. SCHEDULE 7

      Certification of Prisoner Custody Officers: Northern Ireland

      1. Preliminary

        1. 1.In this Schedule— “certificate” means a certificate under section 122...

      2. Issue of certificates

        1. 2.(1) Any person may apply to the Secretary of State...

      3. Suspension of certificate

        1. 3.(1) This paragraph applies where at any time it appears...

      4. Revocation of certificate

        1. 4.Where at any time it appears to the Secretary of...

      5. False statements

        1. 5.If any person, for the purpose of obtaining a certificate...

    8. SCHEDULE 8

      Increase in Penalties

      1. Part I Increase of Fines for Certain Sea Fisheries Offences

      2. Part II Increase of Fines for Certain Misuse of Drugs Offences

      3. Part III Increase in Penalties for Certain Firearms Offences

    9. SCHEDULE 9

      Minor Amendments

      1. Poaching: increase in penalties

        1. 1.(1) The Game Act 1831 shall be amended as follows....

      2. Sexual offences: procurement of women

        1. 2.In sections 2(1) and 3(1) of the Sexual Offences Act...

      3. Electronic transmission of obscene material

        1. 3.In section 1(3) of the Obscene Publications Act 1959 (definition...

      4. Poaching: forfeiture of vehicles

        1. 4.After section 4 of the Game Laws (Amendment) Act 1960...

      5. Magistrates' courts' jurisdiction in cases involving children and young persons

        1. 5.In section 18 of the Children and Young Persons Act...

      6. Service of documents by first class post

        1. 6.(1) In section 9(8) of the Criminal Justice Act 1967...

      7. Transfers of proceedings

        1. 7.In section 11 of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 (notice...

      8. Offences aggravated by possession of firearms

        1. 8.In Schedule 1 to the Firearms Act 1968 (which lists...

      9. Notice of proceedings

        1. 9.In section 34(2) of the Children and Young Persons Act...

      10. Treatment of mental condition of offenders placed on probation

        1. 10.(1) Paragraph 5 of Schedule 1A to the Powers of...

      11. Rehabilitation of offenders placed on probation

        1. 11.(1) In section 5 of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act...

      12. Transfers of proceedings

        1. 12.In section 3 of the Bail Act 1976 (general provisions)—...

      13. Anonymity of victims of certain offences

        1. 13.In section 4 of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1976...

      14. Execution of warrants for non-payment

        1. 14.(1) In section 38A(6) of the Criminal Law Act 1977...

      15. Committals for sentence

        1. 15.In section 38 of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 (power...

      16. Conditional or absolute discharge: appeal to Crown Court

        1. 16.In section 108(1A) of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 (right...

      17. Transfers of proceedings

        1. 17.In section 76 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 (alteration...

      18. Transfers of proceedings

        1. 18.In section 77 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 (date...

      19. Transfers of proceedings

        1. 19.In section 81 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 (bail...

      20. Electronic transmission of obscene material (Scotland)

        1. 20.In section 51(8) of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982,...

      21. Fines for breach of attendance centre orders or rules

        1. 21.In section 19 of the Criminal Justice Act 1982 (breach...

      22. Video recordings

        1. 22.In section 1 of the Video Recordings Act 1984 (which...

      23. Standard period of validity of search warrants

        1. 23.In the following enactments there shall be omitted the words...

      24. Transfers of proceedings

        1. 24.In section 62(10) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act...

      25. Transfers of proceedings

        1. 25.In section 16 of the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985...

      26. Award of costs against accused

        1. 26.In section 18(5) of the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985...

      27. Transfers of proceedings

        1. 27.In section 22 of the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985...

      28. Confiscation orders in drug trafficking cases: variation of sentences

        1. 28.In section 1A of the Drug Trafficking Offences Act 1986...

      29. Transfer of fraud cases

        1. 29.In section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 (transfer...

      30. Fraud cases: preparatory hearings

        1. 30.In section 7 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 (preparatory...

      31. Transfers of proceedings

        1. 31.In section 25(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (principle...

      32. Evidence through television links

        1. 32.In section 32 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (evidence...

      33. Competence of children

        1. 33.In section 33A of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (inserted...

      34. Reviews of sentencing

        1. 34.In section 35 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (kinds...

      35. Assaulting prisoner custody officer triable with indictable offence

        1. 35.In section 40(3) of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (summary...

      36. Confiscation orders: variation of sentence

        1. 36.In section 72A of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (inserted...

      37. Extradition from the United Kingdom

        1. 37.(1) The Extradition Act 1989 shall be amended as follows....

      38. Remands and committals of young persons to secure accommodation

        1. 38.In section 21 of the Children Act 1989 (provision of...

      39. Non-intimate samples: samples of hair

        1. 39.In Article 63 of the Police and Criminal Evidence (Northern...

      40. Pre-sentence reports

        1. 40.(1) The Criminal Justice Act 1991 shall be amended as...

      41. Curfew orders

        1. 41.In section 12 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (curfew...

      42. Fines

        1. 42.(1) Sections 18 and 20 of the Criminal Justice Act...

      43. False statements as to financial circumstances

        1. 43.After section 20 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 there...

      44. Effect of previous probation orders and discharges

        1. 44.(1) Section 29 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (as...

      45. Sexual offences

        1. 45.(1) In section 31(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1991...

      46. Discretionary life prisoners

        1. 46.(1) In section 34 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991...

      47. Committals for sentence

        1. 47.In section 40(3) of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (power...

      48. Extradited persons: sentence of imprisonment to reflect custody

        1. 48.(1) In section 47 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991...

      49. Transfers of proceedings

        1. 49.In section 53 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (notices...

      50. Community sentences: binding over of parent or guardian

        1. 50.In section 58(2) of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (power...

      51. Confiscation orders in terrorist-related activities cases: variation of sentences

        1. 51.(1) In section 48 of the Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions)...

      52. Anonymity of victims of certain offences

        1. 52.(1) The Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1992 shall be amended...

      53. Application of 1993 Act powers to pre-commencement offences

        1. 53.Section 78(6) of the Criminal Justice Act 1993 (application of...

    10. SCHEDULE 10

      Consequential Amendments

      1. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 1.In section 2 of the Habeas Corpus Act 1679 (bail...

      2. Evidence of accused in criminal proceedings

        1. 2.In section 1 of the Criminal Evidence Act 1898 (competency...

      3. Evidence of accused in criminal proceedings

        1. 3.In section 1 of the Criminal Evidence Act (Northern Ireland)...

      4. Responsibility for fine for breach of requirements of secure training order

        1. 4.In section 55(1A) of the Children and Young Persons Act...

      5. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 5.In section 56(3) of the Children and Young Persons Act...

      6. Bail: exclusion in homicide or rape cases

        1. 6.In section 37(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1948 (power...

      7. Modernisation of “servant” in Prison Act

        1. 7.In section 3(1) of the Prison Act 1952 (officers and...

      8. Use of young offender institutions as secure training centres

        1. 8.In section 37(4) of the Prison Act 1952 (prisons not...

      9. Young offenders absconding from secure training centres

        1. 9.(1) Section 49 of the Prison Act 1952 (persons unlawfully...

      10. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 10.In section 4(2) of the Administration of Justice Act 1960...

      11. Young offenders: application of prison rules

        1. 11.In section 23(4) of the Criminal Justice Act 1961 (which...

      12. Young offenders: transfer, supervision and recall within British Islands

        1. 12.(1) Part III of the Criminal Justice Act 1961 (transfer,...

      13. Payment of damages by police authority

        1. 13.In section 48(4) of the Police Act 1964 (payment by...

      14. Cross-border enforcement: extension of protection

        1. 14.In section 51 of the Police Act 1964 (assaults on,...

      15. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 15.In section 22(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 (power...

      16. Young offenders: detention under secure training order

        1. 16.Section 67 of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 (computation of...

      17. Payment of damages by Scottish police authority

        1. 17.In section 39(4) of the Police (Scotland) Act 1967 (payment...

      18. Assaults on constables etc.

        1. 18.In section 41 of the Police (Scotland) Act 1967 (assaults...

      19. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 19.In section 8(2)(a) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 (powers...

      20. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 20.In section 11(5) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 (powers...

      21. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 21.In section 16(3)(b) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 (powers...

      22. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 22.In section 19(1) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 (power...

      23. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 23.In section 36 of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 (power...

      24. Young offenders: possession of firearms

        1. 24.(1) The Firearms Act 1968 shall be amended as follows....

      25. Cross-border enforcement: extension of protection

        1. 25.In section 7 of the Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act...

      26. Sexual offences: male rape

        1. 26.In section 9(2) of the Theft Act 1968 (offences which...

      27. Payment of damages by Police Authority for Northern Ireland

        1. 27.In section 14(5) of the Police Act (Northern Ireland) 1970...

      28. Jury service: penalty for serving when not qualified

        1. 28.In section 20(5) of the Juries Act 1974 (offences in...

      29. Custody officers: ineligibility for jury service

        1. 29.In Part I of Schedule 1 to the Juries Act...

      30. Rehabilitation of offenders subject to secure training orders

        1. 30.In section 5(6) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974...

      31. Prisoner custody officers: ineligibility for jury service

        1. 31.In Schedule 2 to the Juries (Northern Ireland) Order 1974...

      32. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 32.In section 4 of the Bail Act 1976 (entitlement to...

      33. Police bail: variation by magistrates

        1. 33.In section 4(2) of the Bail Act 1976 (occasions for...

      34. Bail: no right for persons offending while on bail

        1. 34.In Part III of Schedule 1 to the Bail Act...

      35. Sexual offences: male rape

        1. 35.(1) The Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1976 shall be amended...

      36. Sexual offences: male rape

        1. 36.(1) Section 4 of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1976...

      37. Indecent photographs etc.

        1. 37.(1) The Protection of Children Act 1978 shall be amended...

      38. Indecent photographs etc. (Northern Ireland)

        1. 38.(1) The Protection of Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 shall...

      39. Secure training orders: absence of accused

        1. 39.In section 11(3) of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 (certain...

      40. Procedure for young offenders in cases of grave crimes

        1. 40.In section 24(1)(a) of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 (exception...

      41. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 41.In section 29(4)(b) of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 (person...

      42. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 42.In section 37(1) of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 (committal...

      43. Police bail

        1. 43.In section 43(1) of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 (bail...

      44. Bail: exclusion in homicide or rape cases

        1. 44.In section 113(1) of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 (power...

      45. Prisoner custody officers: ineligibility for jury service

        1. 45.In Part I of Schedule 1 to the Law Reform...

      46. Young offenders: detention in the custody of a constable and others

        1. 46.In section 6 of the Imprisonment (Temporary Provisions) Act 1980...

      47. Detention by constables and officers of a prison etc.: maximum period

        1. 47.In section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1980...

      48. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 48.In section 81(1) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 (power...

      49. Young offenders: legal representation

        1. 49.In section 3(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1982 (restriction...

      50. Young offenders: early release

        1. 50.In section 32 of the Criminal Justice Act 1982 (early...

      51. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 51.In section 51(4) of the Mental Health Act 1983 (power...

      52. Video recordings

        1. 52.(1) The Video Recordings Act 1984 shall be amended as...

      53. Interim possession order: power of entry

        1. 53.In section 17 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act...

      54. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 54.In section 38(1) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act...

      55. Searches of persons detained at police stations

        1. 55.In section 54(1)(b) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act...

      56. Fingerprinting: speculative searches

        1. 56.In section 61 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act...

      57. Intimate samples: speculative searches

        1. 57.In section 62 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act...

      58. Non-intimate samples: speculative searches

        1. 58.In section 63 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act...

      59. Sexual offences: male rape and buggery

        1. 59.In Part I of Schedule 5 to the Police and...

      60. Trespassory assemblies

        1. 60.In section 15(1) of the Public Order Act 1986 (delegation...

      61. Inferences from accused’s silence

        1. 61.(1) The Criminal Evidence (Northern Ireland) Order 1988 shall be...

      62. Samples: application to terrorist suspects

        1. 62.(1) The Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1989 shall...

      63. Prevention of terrorism: consents for prosecutions etc.

        1. 63.(1) The Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1989 shall...

      64. Young offenders: powers to search and to test for drugs

        1. 64.In section 19(4) of the Prisons (Scotland) Act 1989 (remand...

      65. Non-appearance of accused: plea of guilty

        1. 65.In section 20(1A) of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (power...

      66. Young offenders: secure training order a custodial sentence

        1. 66.In section 31(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (which...

      67. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 67.In section 40(3)(b) of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (committal...

      68. Contracted out prisons: exclusion of search powers

        1. 68.In section 87(3) of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (provisions...

      69. Testing prisoners for drugs: director’s function

        1. 69.In section 87(4) of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (certain...

      70. The Parole Board

        1. 70.For Schedule 5 to the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (supplementary...

      71. Bail: exclusion in homicide and rape cases

        1. 71.In Schedule 6 to the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (procedure...

      72. Probation officers for offenders subject to secure training orders

        1. 72.In section 4 of the Probation Service Act 1993 (functions...

      73. Secure training orders: cost of supervision by probation officer

        1. 73.In section 17 of the Probation Service Act 1993 (probation...

    11. SCHEDULE 11
