SCHEDULE 3Proposals for schools to become, or be established as,grant-maintained schools

Part IProposals for acquisition of grant-maintained status

Publication of proposals and notice



Where proposals are required to be published under section 32 of this Act, they shall be published by being—


posted at or near the main entrance to the school, or (if there is more than one main entrance) all of them,


posted in at least one conspicuous place within the area served by the school, and


made available for inspection at all reasonable times at the school or at any other place within that area to which members of the public may conveniently have access.


Within the period of ten days beginning with the date of publication of the proposals there shall be published in at least one newspaper circulating in that area a notice in respect of the proposals containing such summary of the proposals as the governing body may think appropriate (including, in particular, the information required by sub-paragraph (3) below).


The notice shall—


state that proposals for acquisition of grant-maintained status have been published and submitted to the Secretary of State for approval,


specify the proposed date of implementation of the proposals,


state that, if the proposals are approved, the school will on that date cease to be maintained by the local education authority,


state that, if the proposals are approved, the school will on and after that date be conducted by a governing body incorporated under Part II of this Act and receive annual grants from the funding authority,


give the information required to be specified in the proposals by paragraph 4(1)(a) and (2)(a) below,


state where the proposals may be inspected, and


explain the effect of paragraph 5 below.


The Secretary of State may by regulations make such provision (whether by way of modification of, or substitution for, the provisions of sub-paragraphs (1) to (3) above) as he considers appropriate in relation to—


the publication of proposals for acquisition of grant-maintained status, and


the publication of such notice (if any) in respect of proposals for acquisition of grant-maintained status as may be prescribed.