Osteopaths Act 1993

15Recognition of qualifications: supplemental

(1)A qualification may be recognised by the General Council under section 14—

(a)only in respect of awards of that qualification made after a specified date;

(b)only in respect of awards made before a specified date; or

(c)only in respect of awards made after a specified date but before a specified date.

(2)Any date specified under subsection (1) may be earlier than the date on which this Act is passed.

(3)Where the General Council recognises a qualification in one or other of the limited ways allowed for by subsection (1), the limitation shall be specified in the list issued by the Council under section 14(5).

(4)The General Council may, in recognising a qualification under section 14, direct that the qualification is to remain a recognised qualification only so long as such conditions as the General Council sees fit to impose are complied with in relation to the qualification.

(5)Any such condition may at any time be removed by the General Council.

(6)The General Council shall not exercise any of its functions under subsection (4) or (5) without the approval of the Privy Council.

(7)Any institution which is, or is likely to be, affected by a direction given by the General Council under subsection (4) shall be notified by the Council of the direction as soon as is reasonably practicable.

(8)Where an application is made by any institution for the recognition of a qualification under section 14, the General Council shall notify the institution of the result of its application as soon as is reasonably practicable after the Council determines the application.

(9)Where the General Council refuses such an application it shall, when notifying the institution concerned, give reasons for its refusal.