SCHEDULEThe General Council and Committees

Part IIThe Statutory Committees


16(1)The members of the statutory committees, other than co-opted members, shall be appointed by the General Council from among the members of the Council.

(2)The General Council shall make provision by rules as to the procedure for such appointments.

17(1)The co-option of any person to any of the statutory committees shall be subject to the approval of the General Council.

(2)A co-opted member of any of the statutory committees may also be a member of the General Council.

(3)The term of office of a co-opted member shall not exceed the period of 3 years beginning with the date of his co-option.

(4)The General Council shall make further provision by rules in relation to co-option, including provision as to the procedure involved.

18A person shall not be prevented from being a member of a statutory committee merely because he has previously been a member of that committee.

19Any member of a statutory committee (other than a co-opted member) shall hold office until he ceases to be a member of the General Council or, where he is a member of the committee by virtue of being Chairman of the General Council, until he ceases to be Chairman of the General Council.

20The General Council may by rules make provision with respect to any sub-committee of a statutory committee including, in particular, provision as to the functions and powers to be conferred on the sub-committee, its composition and its relationship with the statutory committee.

21(1)The General Council shall make rules regulating the procedure of the statutory committees and their sub-committees (if any) including, in particular, provision as to rules of evidence to be observed in proceedings before any such committee or sub-committee.

(2)Subject to any rules made under sub-paragraph (1), and to any provision made by the General Council under paragraph 15(2)(g), each statutory committee and any sub-committee of such a committee may regulate its own procedure.

22(1)If it appears to the General Council that any statutory committee is failing to perform its functions adequately, the General Council may give a direction as to the proper performance of those functions.

(2)Where the General Council, having given a direction under sub-paragraph (1), is satisfied that the committee has failed to comply with the direction, it may exercise any power of that committee or do any act or other thing authorised to be done by that committee.

23(1)The powers of any statutory committee may be exercised even though there is a vacancy among its members.

(2)No proceedings of a statutory committee shall be invalidated by any defect in the appointment of a member.

24(1)A person may be a member of more than one statutory committee.

(2)No member of the Professional Conduct Committee or the Health Committee shall take part in dealing with an allegation referred to either committee by another committee if he is also a member of the committee which referred the allegation.