SCHEDULE 15Preliminary

Making of compliance determination applications

2(1)A compliance determination application may be made with respect to any land—

(a)by the owner or occupier of the land, or

(b)by any person who proves that he has or intends to acquire an interest in the land which will be affected by a compliance determination or that he has borne any of the cost of carrying out works on the land during the war period.

(2)In the case of land owned or occupied by or on behalf of the Crown, or leased to, or to a person acting on behalf of, the Crown, or land with respect to which it is proved that there is held, or intended to be acquired, by or on behalf of the Crown an interest in the land which will be affected as mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) or that any of the cost there mentioned has been borne by the Crown, a compliance determination application may be made by any person acting on behalf of the Crown.

3A compliance determination application shall be accompanied by such plans and other information as are necessary to enable the application to be determined.

4(1)The authority to whom a compliance determination application is made shall within 14 days from the receipt of the application publish notice of it in one or more local newspapers circulating in the area in which the land is situated and serve notice of it on any person appearing to the authority to be specially affected by the application.

(2)The authority shall take into consideration any representations made to them in connection with the application within 14 days from the publication of the notice.