National Heritage Act 1983

2The Board's general functions

(1)So far as practicable and subject to the provisions of this Act, the Board shall—

(a)care for, preserve and add to the objects in their collections,

(b)secure that the objects are exhibited to the public,

(c)secure that the objects are available to persons seeking to inspect them in connection with study or research, and

(d)generally promote the public's enjoyment and understanding of art, craft and design, both by means of the Board's collections and by such other means as they consider appropriate.

(2)For those purposes the Board may, subject to the provisions of this Act—

(a)provide education, instruction and advice and carry out research,

(b)enter into contracts and other agreements (including agreements for the Board's occupation or management of the building known as the Victoria and Albert Museum or other premises), and

(c)acquire and dispose of land and other property.

(3)Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Board may do such tilings (including requiring payment for admission or for other services or for goods provided by them) as they think necessary or expedient—

(a)for preserving, and increasing the utility of, their collections,

(b)for securing the due administration of anything vested in or acquired by them, and any premises occupied or managed by them, under or by virtue of this Act, and

(c)otherwise for the purposes of their functions.

(4)If a Minister of the Crown directs the Board to exercise functions which are exercisable by him (whether by virtue of an enactment or otherwise), which in his opinion can appropriately be exercised by the Board having regard to their functions and resources, and which are specified in the direction, the Board shall exercise them on his behalf in such manner as he may from time to time direct; but nothing in this subsection authorises the Board to exercise a function of making regulations or other instruments of a legislative character.

(5)The Board shall not acquire or dispose of land without the Secretary of State's consent.

(6)The Board may allow premises occupied or managed by them to be used by other persons (for payment or otherwise) for purposes not connected with the functions mentioned in subsection (1) if the Board are satisfied that to do so would not conflict unduly with those functions.