Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981


3U.K.The kinds of reptile specified in the first column below—

Alligator sinensisChinese alligator
Caiman crocodilus apaporiensisRio Apaporis caiman (otherwise known as Spectacled caiman)
Caiman latirostrisBroad-nosed caiman
Melanosuchus nigerBlack caiman
Crocodylus acutusAmerican crocodile
Crocodylus cataphractusAfrican slender-snouted crocodile (otherwise known as African sharp-nosed crocodile)
Crocodylus intermediusOrinoco crocodile
Crocodylus moreletiiMorelet’s crocodile
Crocodylus niloticusNile crocodile
Crocodylus novaeguineae mindorensisPhilippine crocodile
Crocodylus palustrisMugger (otherwise known as Marsh crocodile or Broad-snouted crocodile)
Crocodylus porosusEstuarine crocodile (otherwise known as Salt-water crocodile)
Crocodylus rhombiferCuban crocodile
Crocodylus siamensisSiamese crocodile
Osteolaemus tetraspisWest African dwarf crocodile
Tomistoma schlegeliiFalse gharial (otherwise known as False gavial)
Gavialis gangeticusIndian gharial (otherwise known as Indian gavial)
BrachylophusFijian iguanas
CycluraCaribbean rock iguanas
Sauromalus variusSan Esteban Island chuck-walla
Varanus bengalensisBengal monitor (otherwise known as Indian monitor or Common monitor)
Varanus flavescensYellow monitor
Varanus griseusDesert monitor (otherwise known as Agra monitor or Grey monitor)
Varanus komodoensisKomodo dragon
AcrantophisMadagascar boas
BolyeriaRound island boas
CasareaRound island boas
Epicrates inornatusYellow tree boa
Epicrates subflavusJamaican boa
Python molurus molurusIndian python (otherwise known as Indian rock python)
Sanzinia madagascariensisMadagascar boa
Sphenodon punctatusTuatara
Batagur baskaRiver terrapin (otherwise known as Tuntong)
Geoclemys hamiltonii (otherwise known as Damonia hamiltonii)Black pond turtle (otherwise known as Spotted pond turtle)
Melanochelys tricarinata (otherwise known as Geoemyda tricarinata or Nicoria tricarinata)Three-keeled turtle (otherwise known as Three-keeled land tortoise)
Kachuga tecta tectaIndian tent turtle (otherwise known as Indian sawback turtle or Roofed turtle or Dura turtle)
Morenia ocellataBurmese swamp turtle
Terrapene coahuilaAquatic box turtle (otherwise known as Water box turtle)
Geochelone elephantopus (otherwise known as Testudo elephantopus)Galapagos giant tortoise
Geochelone radiata (otherwise known as Testudo radiata)Radiated tortoise (otherwise known as Rayed tortoise)
Geochelone yniphora (otherwise known as Testudo yniphora)Madagascar tortoise (otherwise known as Rayed tortoise or Angonoka)
Gopherus flavomarginatus (otherwise known as Crophemus polyphemus flavomarginatus)Mexican gopher tortoise
Psammobates geometricus (otherwise known as Testudo geometricus)Geometric tortoise
CheloniidaeSea turtles
Dermochelys coriaceaLeatherback turtle (otherwise known as Leathery turtle or Luth)
Lissemys punctata punctataIndian flap-shelled turtle
Trionyx aterCuatro Cienegas soft-shell turtle (otherwise known as Black soft-shelled turtle)
Trionyx gangeticusGanges soft-shelled turtle (otherwise known as Indian soft-shelled turtle)
Trionyx hurumPeacock-marked soft-shelled turtle
Trionyx nigricansDark-coloured soft-shelled turtle
Pseudemydura umbrinaShort-necked turtle (otherwise known as Western swamp turtle)