Part IV Army Reserve and Air Force Reserve


85 Service of notices for Army Reserve and Air Force Reserve.

The following provisions have effect with respect to notices required in pursuance of orders or regulations made under this Act to be given to men of the Army Reserve or the Air Force Reserve—


a notice may be served on any such man either by being sent by post to his last registered place of abode or by being served in the prescribed manner;


evidence of the delivery at the last registered place of abode of a man of the Army Reserve or of the Air Force Reserve, as the case may be, of a notice, or of a letter addressed to the man containing a notice, shall be evidence that the notice was brought to his knowledge;


the publication of a notice in the prescribed manner in the parish in which the last registered place of abode of a man of the Army Reserve, or of the Air Force Reserve, as the case may be, is situate shall be sufficient notice to him, notwithstanding that a copy of the notice is not served on him.