Highways Act 1980

3Not later than the day on which the said notice is published or, if it is published on 2 or more days, the day on which it is first published, the Minister or the local highway authority, as the case may be, shall serve on each person specified in such head or heads of the Table set out at the end of this paragraph as apply in die case of the order in question—

(a)a copy of the said notice;

(b)a copy of the draft order or of the order, as the case may be; and

(c)a copy of any map or plan referred to in the draft order or the order relating to a matter which, in the opinion of the Minister or of the local highway authority, as the case may be, is likely to affect the said person.


Persons to be served with copies of the documents specified in paragraph 3 of this Schedule

(i) In the case of every order proposed to be made under section 10 or section 106 of this Act, and every order relating to a trunk road proposed to be made under section 14 of this Act—

  • Every council in whose area any highway or proposed highway to which the proposed order relates is situated.

(ii) In the case of an order proposed to be made under section 10, 14, 18 or 108(1) of this Act which provides for the construction of a bridge over or tunnel under navigable waters or for the diversion of a navigable watercourse, and in the case of every order proposed to be made under section 106 of this Act—

  • Every navigation authority and water authority concerned with or having jurisdiction over the waters affected or the area comprising those waters or that watercourse and, if the waters or watercourse affected are or is within the London excluded area as defined in section 116(1) of the [1976 c. 70.] Land Drainage Act 1976, the Greater London Council.

(iii) In the case of an order proposed to be made under section 18 of this Act or an order relating to a classified road, proposed to be made under section 14 of this Act, which (in either case) authorises the carrying out of any works—

  • Every council in whose area any works authorised by the proposed order are to be carried out.

(iv) In the case of an order under section 18 of this Act, or an order relating to a classified road under section 14 of this Act, which (in either case) provides for transferring any highway from one highway authority to another—

  • The highway authorities to and from whom the highway is to be transferred.

(v) In the case of an order proposed to be made under section 14 or 18 of this Act which authorises the stopping up of any private means of access to any premises—

  • The owner (within the meaning of section 21 of this Act) and the occupier of those premises.

In the case of an order proposed to be made under section 14 or 18 of this Act which authorises the stopping up or diversion of any highway—

  • The council or, in the case of a parish not having a separate council, the parish meeting, of every parish in which the highway is situated and the council of every community in which the highway is situated.

  • Any public utility undertakers having apparatus under, in, upon, over, along or across the highway.