

Reliefs from excise duty

42Drawback on exportation, removal to warehouse, shipment as stores, etc.

(1)This section applies to—

(a)beer which has been brewed by a brewer for sale ; and

(b)beer which has been imported, or which has been removed into the United Kingdom from the Isle of Man.

(2)Subject to the provisions of this section and to such conditions as the Commissioners see fit to impose, drawback shall be allowable—

(a)on the removal by any person of any beer to which this section applies to an excise warehouse on the premises of a licensed producer of made-wine ; or

(b)on the exportation or removal to the Isle of Man by any person of any such beer; or

(c)on the shipment as stores by any person of any such beer; ,

and shall also be allowable, subject as aforesaid, in the case of any beer to which this section applies which it is shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioners is being exported, removed or shipped as mentioned in paragraph (b) or (c) above as an ingredient of other goods.

(3)In the case of beer brewed in the United Kingdom, the person intending to remove, export or ship the beer shall produce to the proper officer a declaration made by the brewer in such form and manner as the Commissioners may direct stating the date upon which the beer was brewed and the original gravity thereof and that the proper duty has been charged thereon.

(4)In the case of beer brewed outside the United Kingdom, the person intending to remove, export or ship the beer shall produce to the proper officer in such form and manner as the Commissioners may direct a declaration that the proper duty has been charged and paid thereon.

(5)The amount of the drawback payable under this section in respect of any duty paid shall be calculated according to the rate of drawback applicable during the period of currency of the rate at which the duty was paid to like beer charged with that rate of duty during that period.

(6)Drawback under this section shall, where it is shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioners that duty has been paid, be allowed at the same rate as the rate at which the duty is charged; but as respects beer of an original gravity of less than 1030° the amount of drawback allowable shall not exceed the amount of the duty shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioners to have been paid.