Part VIII Miscellaneous, Transitional & General

125 Supply of alcoholic liquor on order by certain officials and others.


The holder of a licence in respect of any premises may supply alcoholic liquor from those premises during any time when such supply would, apart from this section, be prohibited by or under this Act, on an order stating why the liquor is required and signed—


by a constable of or above the rank of inspector or by a constable in charge of a police station; or


by the procurator fiscal, or


by a medical official; or


in case of sickness, accident or emergency, by a duly qualified medical practitioner.


Any such order shall be a sufficient defence in any prosecution in respect of the supply of the alcoholic liquor to which it relates if within 48 hours after the supply of such liquor the order is sent by post to the procurator fiscal together with a note of the description and quantity of the liquor supplied and the name and address of the person to whom the liquor was supplied.


The procurator fiscal shall, not later than seven days before the quarterly meeting of any licensing board having jurisdiction in the district for which he acts or any part thereof, transmit to the clerk of such board a list of orders received by him under subsection (2) above during the current quarter, being orders received from persons holding licences from that board, and the said list shall contain a note of the names and designations of all persons signing such orders.