
PART IILocal Administration

29Reports on investigations: further provisions

(1)If in the opinion of the Commissioner, as set out in the report, injustice has been caused to the person aggrieved in consequence of maladministration, the report shall be laid before the authority concerned, and it shall be the duty of that authority to consider the report, and to notify the Commissioner of the action which the authority have taken, or propose to take.

(2)If the Commissioner—

(a)does not receive any such notification within a reasonable time; or

(b)is not satisfied with the action which the authority concerned have taken ; or

(c)does not within a reasonable time receive confirmation from the authority concerned that they have taken action, as proposed, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner,

he shall make a further report setting out those facts ; and section 28 of this Act shall apply, with any necessary modifications, to that further report.