Part VIIIE+W Finance

Expenses and receiptsE+W

147 Expenses of principal councils.E+W

(1)All expenses of a principal council shall be general expenses chargeable on the whole of their area except—

(a)those which by virtue of any enactment or instrument of a legislative character are special expenses chargeable only on part of their area; and

(b)in the case of expenses of a county council, expenses incurred under any enactment passed before 1st June 1934 and not declared, directed or ordered to be general expenses or expenses, including expenses of a specified description, for general county purposes.

(2)In determining the amount of any expenses of a principal council, whether general or special, a proper proportion of the cost of the offices, buildings and establishment of the council may be added to those expenses.

(3)A district council may by resolution declare any expenses incurred by them to be special expenses chargeable only on such part of their area as may be specified in the resolution, and any such resolution may be varied or revoked by a subsequent resolution of the council.

(4)The expenses of a district council arising out of, or incidental to, the possession of property held by the council in trust for any rating district shall, so far as they fall to be defrayed out of rates, be special expenses chargeable only on that rating district, but without prejudice to the powers of the council under subsection (5) below.

(5)Where any expenses of a principal council are payable as special expenses, the council may determine to contribute as part of their general expenses such sums as appear to them to be reasonable in or towards defraying those expenses, and to treat the remainder, if any, as special expenses.

(6)Any order made under section 190(3) of the 1933 Act or any enactment replaced by that subsection and declaring expenses of any description to be separately chargeable on any contributory place, being an order in force immediately before 1st April 1974, shall on and after that date have effect as a resolution made under subsection (3) above by the council of the district in which that place is situated declaring the expenses to be special expenses chargeable only on the area of that place, and may be varied or revoked accordingly.