Children and Young Persons Act 1963

15Effect of approved school order on fit person or local authority

(1)Where a person has been committed by order of a court to the care of a fit person and, while the order is in force, an approved school order is made in respect of him, the order committing him to the care of that person shall be of no effect while he is under the care of the managers of an approved school; but this section shall not affect the power of the Secretary of State under subsection (4) of section 84 of the principal Act to discharge him from the care of the person to whose care he has been committed by the first-mentioned order or the power of the court under subsection (6) of that section to vary or revoke that order.

(2)Where a person has ceased to be in the care of a local authority by virtue of subsection (1) of this section or of section 6(3) of the Children Act 1948 (which makes similar provision with respect to children in the care of a local authority under section 1 of that Act), or where a juvenile court, under section 84(8) of the principal Act, has revoked an order committing a person to the care of a local authority and made an approved school order in respect of him, the local authority may, while that person is under the care of the managers of an approved school but not out under supervision, cause him to be visited and befriended, and may, in exceptional circumstances, make payments for his welfare.