Housing Act 1961

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART I Financial Assistance for Housing Accommodation Provided by Local Authorities and Other Public Bodies

    1. Exchequer subsidies for new housing accommodation

      1. 1.Dwellings qualifying for subsidies

      2. 2.Power to abolish or reduce subsidies

      3. 3.Dwellings provided by local authorities for town development and other special purposes, and dwellings provided by other bodies

      4. 4.Other dwellings provided by local authorities

      5. 5.Subsidies for flats, expensive sites and agricultural dwellings

      6. 6.Increases in respect of rights of support and houses constructed to preserve the character of surroundings

    2. Advances to housing associations providing housing accommodation for letting

      1. 7.Advances to housing associations providing housing accommodation for letting

    3. Miscellaneous

      1. 8.Reduction or withholding of subsidies in respect of housing provided in pursuance of special arrangements with Minister

      2. 9.Grants for hostels

      3. 10.Payments for town development

      4. 11.Interpretation of Part I and consequential and other amendments

  3. PART II Amendments of Housing Act, 1957

    1. Houses in multiple occupation

      1. 12.Power to apply management code to houses in multiple occupation

      2. 13.Regulations prescribing management code

      3. 14.Power to require doing of work to make good neglect of proper standards of management

      4. 15.Power to require execution of works of other descriptions

      5. 16.Provision of means of escape from fire

      6. 17.Right of appeal against notice requiring execution of works

      7. 18.Carrying out of works by local authority

      8. 19.Directions to prevent or reduce overcrowding in houses in multiple occupation

      9. 20.Offences under s.90 of principal Act

      10. 21.Application of ss.12 to 15 to certain buildings comprising separate dwellings

      11. 22.Registers of houses in multiple occupation

      12. 23.Supplemental provisions

    2. Reconditioning of condemned houses

      1. 24.Exclusion of houses from clearance order

      2. 25.Power to permit reconstruction of a house condemned under a demolition order

    3. Miscellaneous

      1. 26.Power to substitute closing order for demolition order to enable a house to be used otherwise than for human habitation

      2. 27.Minor amendments of principal Act

      3. 28.Interpretation and construction of Part II

  4. PART III Miscellaneous and General

    1. Private improvements in housing

      1. 29.Permitted rent increase for improvements

      2. 30.Standard grant for provision of hot water supply and water closets

      3. 31.Provisions relating to improvement grants and standard grants

    2. Repairing obligations

      1. 32.Repairing obligations in short leases of dwelling-houses

      2. 33.Application of s.32 and restriction on contracting out

    3. Town development

      1. 34.Town development

    4. General

      1. 35.Financial provisions

      2. 36.Short title, interpretation, commencement, extent and repeals



      Exchequer Subsidies for Local Authorities in Special Cases

      1. PART I Supplemental Payments

        1. Qualification for supplemental payment

          1. 1.(1) An additional sum shall be added under this Schedule...

        2. Dwellings completed before April, 1964

          1. 2.(1) This paragraph applies to any dwelling completed before the...

        3. Dwellings completed in and after April, 1964

          1. 3.(1) This paragraph applies to any dwelling completed on or...

        4. Definition of Product of a Rate

          1. 4.(1) This paragraph shall apply where for the purposes of...

      2. PART II Ascertainment of Relevant Year and Gross Value

        1. The relevant year

          1. 5.(1) Subject to this paragraph, the relevant financial year in...

        2. Ascertainment of gross value

          1. 6.(1) Subject to this paragraph, the gross value of a...


      Amendments of Enactments relating to Financial Assistance for Housing Accommodation

      1. PART I Application of Enactments to Exchequer Subsidies under this Act

        1. The Town Development Act, 1952 (15 & 16 Geo. 6. and 1 Eliz. 2. c. 54.)

          1. 1.The expression "house", in a context importing a reference to...

          2. 2.In paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section (three, in...

        2. The Housing Act, 1957 (5 & 6 Eliz. 2. c. 56.)

          1. 3.Subsection (1) of section one hundred and fourteen of the...

        3. The Housing (Financial Provisions) Act 1958 (6 & 7 Eliz. 2. c. 42)

          1. 4.(1) Any exchequer subsidy payable under paragraph (a) of subsection...

          2. 5.In subsection (4) of section nineteen of the said Act...

          3. 6.(1) In section twenty-three and subsection (1) of section twenty-four...

          4. 7.In subsections (1) and (2) of section twenty-five of the...

          5. 8.In section twenty-eight of the said Act of 1958 (which...

          6. 9.In section thirty-six of the said Act of 1958 (which...

          7. 10.Section fifty-seven of the said Act of 1958 (which relates...

        4. The Town and Country Planning Act, 1959 (7 & 8 Eliz. 2 c. 53)

          1. 11.In the definition of "grant-aided function" in subsection (1) of...

      2. PART II Other Amendments

        1. The Housing, &c. Act, 1923 (13 & 14 Geo. 5. c. 24)

          1. 12.Section two of the Housing, &c. Act, 1923 (under which...

        2. The Housing (Financial Provisions) Act, 1958 (6 & 7 Eliz. 2. c. 42)

          1. 13.In paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section nineteen of...

          2. 14.Any payment which the Minister is authorised to make under...

          3. 15.As respects any financial year beginning on or after the...

        3. The New Towns Act, 1959 (7 & 8 Eliz. 2. c. 62)

          1. 16.It is hereby declared that the reference in sub-paragraph (1)...


      Orders excluding Buildings from a Clearance Area

      1. PART I Procedure for making Orders

        1. 1.An order under section twenty-four of this Act (hereafter in...

        2. 2.(1) As soon as practicable after making the order, the...

        3. 3.(1) If no objection is duly made by any of...

      2. PART II Consequence of making Order

        1. Suspension of duty to vacate and demolish budding

          1. 4.(1) On the date on which an order is made...

        2. Re-imposition of duties where order is not confirmed

          1. 5.(1) If the Minister notifies the local authority that he...

        3. Payments for well maintained houses and houses held by owner-occupiers

          1. 6.(1) After the, making of an order under the principal...

        4. Condemned houses let to local authorities

          1. 7.Paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Schedule shall not apply...

        5. Condemned houses temporarily occupied under licence

          1. 8.(1) Sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 4 of this Schedule shall...

