Lunacy Regulation (Ireland) Act 1871

58Visitors to report to Lord Chancellor.

The medical visitors shall respectively, within a convenient time after each visit, make a report in writing to the Lord Chancellor intrusted as aforesaid of the state of mind and bodily health, and of the general condition, and also of the care and treatment of each person visited and seen by them respectively, and the legal visitors shall report upon such matters as they shall be directed to inquire into, which reports shall, annually or oftener, as the Lord Chancellor intrusted as aforesaid may direct, be submitted to the Lord Chancellor intrusted as aforesaid; and the visitors respectively shall make separate or special reports on any case to the Lord Chancellor intrusted as aforesaid as and when they may think expedient, and in particular shall report to him, without delay, any instance in which they respectively, on proceeding to visit, have been unable to discover the then residence of or have been by any other circumstance prevented from actually seeing on that occasion the lunatic whom they intended to visit.