Gun Barrel Proof Act 1868

56 Meetings of Birmingham Gun Trade.U.K.

All Meetings of the Birmingham Gun Trade shall be held at the Birmingham Proof House at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, or at such other Place in F1...Birmingham and at such other Time as the Guardians from Time to Time appoint, and may be adjourned from Time to Time, and all Questions thereat shall be decided by a Majority of Votes of the Persons present and entitled to vote, and voting, the Chairman having a Second or Casting Vote in Cases of Equality of Votes. The Quorum of every Meeting shall (except for the Purpose of Adjournment) be Ten; and no Business, except the Adjournment of the Meeting, shall be transacted at any such Meeting unless the Quorum be present, and if the Quorum be not present within Half an Hour after the Time appointed for the Commencement of the Meeting, the Persons present, or a Majority of them, may, if they think fit, adjourn the Meeting; and the Guardians shall give not less than Two clear Days Notice of any adjourned Meeting by Advertisement in at least Two Newspapers published in Birmingham: Provided always, that no Business shall be transacted at any adjourned Meeting other than the Business left unfinished at the Meeting from which the Adjournment took place.

Textual Amendments