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V Assessment and Regulation of Fisheries within the Limits of the Mouth or Entrance as extended.U.K.

The Rates or Assessments by the recited Act authorized to be levied shall be leviable on and in respect of all Salmon Fisheries within the Limits of the Mouth or Entrance of the RiverTweedas above defined, and shall be payable by and recoverable from the Owners, Tenants, or Occupiers of such Fisheries in manner provided by the recited Act; and the whole Enactments and Provisions of the recited Act (so far as not hereby repealed) and of this Act, except as herein-after provided, shall extend and be applicable to the Mouth or Entrance of the said River within the Limits above defined: Provided always, that the Provisions of the Fifty-fifth and Sixtieth Sections of the recited Act shall not be applicable to any Stake Net or Bag Net which may be set or placed beyond the Limits of the Mouth or Entrance of the said River, as defined by the Forty-first Section of the recited Act, and within the extended Limits defined by this Act; provided also, that the Rates or Assessments to be levied on and in respect of the Fisheries situated beyond the Limits as defined in the recited Act, and within the said extended Limits, shall not be applied in or towards the Payment or Discharge of any Debts or Obligations contracted by the Commissioners previous to the passing of this Act.