Derbyshire Mining Customs and Mineral Courts Act 1852

XVIII Barmaster for the Soke and Wapentake of Wirksworth.U.K.

It shall be lawful for the Queen and Her Successors, by Letters Patent under the Seal of the Duchy ofLancaster,from Time to Time as a Vacancy shall happen, to appoint a fit and proper Person to serve the Office of Barmaster of the Soke and Wapentake ofWirksworth,and to be called the Barmaster of the Soke and Wapentake ofWirksworth;and such Barmaster may, by Writing under his Hand, nominate and appoint from Time to Time One or more fit and proper Persons to serve the Office of Deputy Barmaster within the said Soke and Wapentake ofWirksworth,and to remove such Deputy or Deputies respectively at his Will and Pleasure; and the said Barmaster for the Time being of the said Soke and Wapentake ofWirksworthmay also, by Writing under his Hand, nominate and appoint One of such Deputy Barmasters to execute all such Summonses and Warrants, and to perform such other Acts and Duties as are in this Act mentioned to be executed and performed by the Barmaster of the said Soke and Wapentake.