Derbyshire Mining Customs and Mineral Courts Act 1852

VI As to Appointment of Steward of the Manor or Liberty of Crich.U.K.

From and after the passing of this Act it shall be lawful for the respective Persons for the Time being entitled to the First Estate of Freehold in the Mineral Duties respectively payable within the Manor or Liberty ofCrich,or any One or more of them, to give Notice, by Advertisement in some Newspaper published in the County ofDerby,of a Meeting of the Persons so entitled as aforesaid, for the Purpose of appointing a fit and proper Person, qualified as is herein-before provided with respect to the Steward to be appointed by the Queen, to act as Steward for the said Manor or Liberty ofCrich,and the Parties present, personally or by Proxy, at such Meeting, or a Majority in Value of such Persons, shall and may appoint a Steward, Barmaster, and any Number of Deputy Barmasters for the said Manor or Liberty accordingly, who shall hold their respective Offices during the Will and Pleasure of the Persons for the Time being entitled as aforesaid, who may, at a Meeting convened and held in manner aforesaid, displace such Officers or any of them, and appoint new ones in their Stead; and whenever any Vacancy shall arise in the Offices of Steward, Barmaster, or Deputy Barmasters for the said Manor or Liberty ofCrich,the like Proceedings may be taken for the Appointment of fit and proper Persons to supply such Vacancies.