City of London Corporation (Open Spaces) Act 2018

9Agreements with highway authorities and traffic authorities

(1)The Corporation may enter into an agreement with a highway authority or traffic authority about the exercise of their respective functions as they relate to an open space.

(2)An agreement under subsection (1) may include agreement for—

(a)the provision, installation or maintenance of signs, fences, gates, cattle-grids, road-humps, traffic-calming works, or any other works or equipment;

(b)the restriction or regulation of traffic; or

(c)the making, or dedication to the public, of a road or path.

(3)In exercising the power in subsection (1), the Corporation must have regard to the amenity of the open space and the interests of persons resorting to it, and to the interests of inhabitants of the locality of the open space and other persons using the highways in that locality.