
Part 2Dealers in second-hand goods

8Exemptions under Part 2

This Part of this Act shall not apply to—

(a)any person engaged in a business carried on by a group, organisation or body registered as a charity under section 3 of the Charities Act 1993 (c. 10) or excepted from registration by virtue of subsection (5) of that section; or

(b)a person in respect of whom particulars are registered under the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 1964 (c. 69), in respect of his business as a scrap metal dealer; or

(c)a person engaged in the business either of financing the acquisition of goods by means of hire-purchase agreements, conditional sale agreements or credit-sale agreements (as defined in section 189(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (c. 39)) or of financing the use of goods by means of bailment agreements, in respect of any such business or any transaction incidental thereto; or

(d)a person engaged in business as a dealer in waste paper, cardboard, textiles, plastics in bulk or second-hand clothes, in respect of his business as such; or

(e)a person engaged in business as a dealer in second-hand books, in respect of his business as such; or

(f)a person engaged in business as a dealer in animals, in respect of his business as such; or

(g)a pawnbroker, in respect of his business as such; or

(h)a person engaged in the business of supplying new unused goods (other than motor vehicles) who accepts second-hand goods as part of the consideration for those new unused goods, in respect of any such business or any transaction incidental thereto; or

(i)a person engaged in a business which includes the occasional purchase (but not the sale, supply or offering for sale or supply) of second-hand goods in the county; or

(j)a person of a class which is by resolution of the council excluded from the operation of this Part of this Act;

and for the purposes of this Part of this Act a person is not to be treated as carrying on the business of a dealer in second-hand goods merely because occasionally he enters into transactions appropriate to a business of that sort.