
Part 1Preliminary

3Appointed Day

(1)In this Act the “appointed day” means such day as may be fixed by resolution of the council, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this section.

(2)Different days may be fixed under this section for different Parts of this Act.

(3)The council shall cause to be published in a local newspaper circulating in the city notice—

(a)of the passing of any such resolution and of the day fixed thereby; and

(b)of the general effect of the provisions of this Act coming into operation on that day;

and the day so fixed shall not be earlier than the expiration of one month from the publication of the said notice.

(4)Either a photostatic or other reproduction certified by a proper officer of the council to be a true reproduction of a page or part of a page of any such newspaper bearing the date of its publication and containing any such notice shall be evidence of the publication of the notice and of the date of publication.