
Part IVLicensing

30Door supervisors

In its application to the area of a participating council, section 29 (Interpretation of Part V) of the [1995 c. x.] London Local Authorities Act 1995 is amended as follows—

(a)in paragraph (c) of the definition of “licensed premises” the words “or licensed” are left out;

(b)in the definition of “door supervisor”—

(i)before the words “to maintain order” the words “any person employed” are inserted; and

(ii)at the end the words “but, in respect of premises in respect of which there is in force for the time being a justices' on-licence within the meaning of section 1(2) of the [1964 c. 26.] Licensing Act 1964 does not include the holder of that licence” are inserted.