
Part IIRegistration of Holdings and Grindlays

4Removal from register in England and continuity of legal identity

(1)(a)On or as soon as reasonably practicable after the date of registration of Holdings or Grindlays as the case may be, that company shall notify the registrar of companies thereof by telefax or telex and shall also transmit to him by registered or insured post a Queen’s Printer’s copy of this Act and a copy of the certificate of the registration of the company in Victoria.

(b)On receipt of any such copy the registrar of companies shall, with effect from the date of registration, remove the name of the company to which the certificate relates from the register in England.

(2)On and from the date of registration of Holdings or Grindlays as the case may be, the Companies Act 1985 (with the exception of those provisions which apply to oversea companies) shall not apply to that company, but that company shall (save for its registration as a company incorporated in Victoria) be the same company for all purposes as it was before the date of registration.

(3)The registrar of companies shall retain and register the copy of any certificate transmitted to him under subsection (1) (a) above.