  1. Introductory Text

  2. Part I Preliminary

    1. 1.Short title

    2. 2.Interpretation

  3. Part II Constitution of company

    1. 3.Company to continue

    2. 4.Incorporation of enactments

    3. 5.Share capital

    4. 6.Loan capital and borrowing powers

    5. 7.Purchase of own shares

    6. 8.Power to reduce capital

    7. 9.Investment powers

    8. 10.General powers of Company

    9. 11.Debenture stock

    10. 12.Redeemable stock

    11. 13.Interim dividends

    12. 14.Incidents of new capital

    13. 15.Application of premiums

    14. 16.Priority of mortgages and debenture stock

    15. 17.Appointment of receiver

    16. 18.Receipt in case of persons not sui juris

    17. 19.Company not bound to regard trusts

    18. 20.Joint holders

    19. 21.Missing shareholders

    20. 22.Indemnity before issue of substituted certificates, etc

    21. 23.Register of transfers

    22. 24.Closing of transfer books

    23. 25.Register of shareholders and shareholders' address book

    24. 26.Substitution of card index for shareholders' address book

    25. 27.Ordinary meetings

    26. 28.Quorum for general meetings

    27. 29.Extraordinary meetings

    28. 30.Notice of meetings

    29. 31.Notices, etc., to shareholders abroad

    30. 32.Voting rights

    31. 33.Proof of majority of votes only required when poll demanded

    32. 34.Voting at general meetings

    33. 35.Appointment of proxies

    34. 36.Number of directors

    35. 37.Powers of directors

    36. 38.Quorum of meeting of directors

    37. 39.Appointment of managing director

    38. 40.Power of directors to determine remuneration of secretary

    39. 41.Vacation of office of director

    40. 42.Directors holding office under or contracting with Company

    41. 43.Alteration of constitution of Company

  4. Part III Lands

    1. 44.Vesting of parish land and exchange land

    2. 45.Extended toll plaza to form part of Dunham Bridge

  5. Part IV Tolls, etc.

    1. 46.Tolls

    2. 47.Modification of Transport Charges &c. (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1954

    3. 48.Toll booths

    4. 49.Toll collectors

  6. Part V Transfer of undertaking, etc.

    1. 50.Formation of registered company

    2. 51.Transfer of undertaking

    3. 52.Receipt of shares in Company

    4. 53.Dissolution of Company

    5. 54.Final accounts of Company

    6. 55.Books, etc., to remain evidence

    7. 56.Saving of agreements, etc

    8. 57.Pending actions not to abate

    9. 58.Repeals for the purpose of Part V

  7. Part VI Miscellaneous and general

    1. 59.Stopping up, etc., of Dunham Bridge: discontinuance of undertaking

    2. 60.Amendment of section 2 of Act of 1830

    3. 61.Repeals and consequential amendments

    4. 62.Costs of Act


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Missing shareholders

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Level of tolls

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      1. Part I Repeals

      2. Part II Consequential amendments

        1. 1.In section 32 (The Money to be divided into Shares),...

        2. 2.In section 92 (For preventing wilful Damage to the Bridge,...