Standard Life Assurance Company Act 1991

Special general meeting

12(1)The directors may convene a special general meeting of the members at any time and shall convene such a meeting on a requisition in writing signed by at least five directors or by at least 50 members entitled to vote.

(2)Any such requisition shall be addressed to the secretary and shall be delivered at the head office of the Company and shall state the purpose or purposes of the requisitioned meeting.

(3)Every special general meeting shall, subject to paragraph (5) of this regulation, be held at a time and place fixed by the directors and shall be convened by advertisement (specifying shortly the purpose for which the meeting is convened) in the same manner as is prescribed for the annual general meeting.

(4)If the directors within 21 days from the date of receipt of a requisition do not proceed to convene the meeting and to notify the requisitionists in writing of the date for which they have done so, the requisitionists may themselves convene the meeting in manner aforesaid.

(5)Any special general meeting convened pursuant to such requisition as aforesaid shall be convened for a date within three months after the receipt of the requisition by the Company.