Medway Ports Authority Act 1973

77Use of warehouses as bonded warehouses

(1)The Authority may, at their discretion, use as a bonded warehouse any of their warehouses, sheds or other buildings, or any part thereof which may be duly approved by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise, when such are intended for the deposit of goods liable to duties of customs and excise.

(2)The Authority may, if required, give to the Commissioners of Customs and Excise general security by bond under their common seal for payment of duties of customs and excise on or for the due exportation of goods deposited in their warehouses, sheds, buildings, yards or storage areas.

(3)The Authority may give such bonds or securities under their common seal as may be required by the laws for the time being in force relating to all premises for which the Commissioners of Customs and Excise may require bonds and securities to be given.

(4)All warehouses, sheds or other buildings belonging to the Authority in which goods prohibited to be used for home consumption, or liable to duties of customs and excise, may be deposited shall, if required by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise, be secured in such manner as shall be approved by such Commissioners.