SCHEDULEInformation to be registered on the PRS Exemptions Register

Regulation 36(2)


The information referred to in regulation 36(2) to be registered where regulation 25 or regulation 29 applies is—


the name, address, email address and telephone number of the landlord,


the address of the property,


which provision or provisions of regulations 25 and 29 applies,


a copy of the valid energy performance certificate for the property,


details of any energy efficiency improvement identified as a recommended improvement for the property in a green deal report, a recommendation report, or a report prepared by a surveyor,


where the landlord relies on regulation 25(1)(a) or regulation 29(1)(a), details of any relevant energy efficiency improvements undertaken and the date on which they were completed,


where the landlord has not made an energy efficiency improvement, in reliance on regulation 24(2) or regulation 28(2), a copy of any written opinion described in regulation 24(2) or regulation 28(2) (as appropriate),


where the landlord has not made an energy efficiency improvement which was identified as a recommended improvement for the property in a green deal report, a recommendation report, or a report prepared by a surveyor, on the grounds that it does not fall within the definition of “relevant energy efficiency improvements” in section 43(4) of the Act and regulation 24(3), or in section 49(4) of the Act, a copy of any evidence on which the landlord relies to demonstrate that the energy efficiency improvement is not a relevant energy efficiency improvement for the property, and


where the landlord has not made an energy efficiency improvement which was identified as a recommended improvement for that property in a green deal report, a recommendation report, or a report prepared by a surveyor, and which is listed in Table 6 of the Building Regulations Approved Document L2B, on the grounds that it would not achieve a simple payback of seven years or less—


copies of three quotations for the cost of purchasing and installing the improvement from installers of that improvement who meet the relevant installer standards, which demonstrate that fact, and


the name of the responsible person (or, where two or more persons are the landlord, the name of the responsible person in relation to each landlord), and confirmation that the responsible person (or each of them) is satisfied of that fact.



The information referred to in regulation 36(2) to be registered where regulation 31(1) or regulation 32(1) applies is—


the name, address, email address and telephone number of the landlord,


the address of the property,


which of regulations 31(1) and 32(1) applies,


a copy of the valid energy performance certificate for the property,


where the landlord relies on regulation 31(1), a copy of any correspondence and documents evidencing that—


consent was required and sought, and


consent was refused or granted subject to a condition with which the landlord could not reasonably comply,


where the landlord relies on regulation 32(1), a copy of any report described in paragraph (2) of that regulation.


The information required by paragraph (1) must be registered before the landlord lets the property within the meaning of regulation 23 or regulation 27 (as the case may be).


The information referred to in regulation 36(2) to be registered where regulation 33(1) or (3) applies is—


the name, address, email address and telephone number of the landlord,


the address of the property,


whether paragraph (1) or (3) of regulation 33 applies,


a copy of any valid energy performance certificate for the property,


the date on which the landlord became, or continued to be, the landlord by virtue of a circumstance in regulation 33(2) or 33(4).