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Your search for English language UK Draft Statutory Instruments from 2008 has returned more than 200 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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    Sort ascending by TitleYearLegislation type
    The Local Authorities (Alcohol Disorder Zones) Regulations 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1430
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Building Societies (Financial Assistance) Order 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1427
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Nursing and Midwifery (Amendment) Order 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1485
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Building Societies Act 1986 (Accounts, Audit and EEA State Amendments) Order 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1519
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Mutilations (Permitted Procedures) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1426
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Compensation (Claims Management Services) (Amendment) Regulations 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1441
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Financial Assistance Scheme (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1432
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Extradition Act 2003 (Amendment to Designations) Order 20082008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (Disclosure of Information by SOCA) Order 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1908
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (Disclosure of Information) Order 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1909
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Social Security (Students Responsible for Children or Young Persons) Amendment Regulations 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1826
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Taxes on Income and Capital) (New Zealand) Order 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1793
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Taxes on Income and Capital) (Slovenia) Order 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1796
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Cash Ratio Deposits (Value Bands and Ratios) Order 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1344
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Service Voters’ Registration Period (Northern Ireland) Order 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1726
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Immigration and Nationality (Fees) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1695
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Maximum Number of Judges Order 20082008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Taxes on Income and Capital) (Saudi Arabia) Order 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1770
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Northern Ireland (Sentences) Act 1998 (Specified Organisations) Order 20082008UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The International Tax Enforcement (Bermuda) Order 2008
    Superseded by 2008 No. 1789
    2008UK Draft Statutory Instruments

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