
Part IIIProcedure for making pastoral schemes and orders and pastoral church buildings schemes

Pastoral church buildings schemes

36Formulation and submission to bishop of draft proposals

Section 3 shall be amended as follows—

(a)in subsection (2), the words “subject to subsections (3) and (4)” shall be omitted, the word “and” shall be omitted after sub-paragraph (e), the word “and” shall be added after sub-paragraph (f) and at the end there shall be added the following sub-paragraph—

(g)the parish council of the parish in which the building to which a declaration of closure for regular public worship relates is situated or, if there is no parish council for that parish, the chairman of the parish meeting.;

(b)subsections (3) and (4) shall be omitted;

(c)in subsection (7) for the word “redundancy” there shall be substituted the words “closure for regular public worship” and for the words “Council for the Care of Churches” there shall be substituted the words “Church Buildings Council”;

(d)in subsection (8), after paragraph (c) there shall be inserted the following paragraph—

(d)any information or advice which the Council thinks appropriate to give concerning possible architectural or structural changes in each church mentioned in the notice in the event of its closure for regular public worship or, in the event that the church is not so closed, concerning any such changes which would facilitate its use for purposes which are consistent with use for regular public worship; and

(e)for subsection (10) there shall be substituted the following subsection—

(10)The committee shall annex to the draft proposals formulated by it a statement of the views of the interested parties and a copy of the report prepared by the Council under subsection (8)..