Ordination of Women (Financial Provisions) Measure 1993 (No. 3)


(1)In this Measure—

  • “Board” means the Church of England Pensions Board;

  • “church housing scheme” means any scheme operated for the time being by the Board under section 26 of the [1961 No. 3.] Clergy Pensions Measure 1961 for the purpose of providing residences to retired clergy and church workers;

  • “clerk in Holy Orders” means any bishop, priest or deacon of the Church of England;

  • “Commissioners” means the Church Commissioners;

  • “licensed lay worker” means a person who has been admitted by a bishop as a lay worker of the Church of England and who has been authorised by a bishop by licence to serve as such a worker;

  • “material time” in relation to a person who resigns from stipendiary ecclesiastical service is the time when he ceases to be in such service;

  • “national minimum stipend”, in relation to any year, means the national minimum stipend recommended for the stipends of clergymen of incumbent status for that year in the Annual Report of the Commissioners as the Central Stipends Authority;

  • “pensions regulations” means regulations for the time being in force under section 6 of the [1972 No. 5.] Clergy Pensions (Amendment) Measure 1972;

  • “relevant Canon” means the Canon of the Church of England enabling a woman to be ordained to the office of priest;

  • “relevant date” means the date on which the relevant Canon is promulged;

  • “Standing Committee” means the Standing Committee of the General Synod.

(2)In this Measure the following expressions have the same meaning as in the pensions regulations—

  • “pensionable service”;

  • “qualifying period of pensionable service”;

  • “retiring age”;

  • “stipendiary ecclesiastical service”.