

SCHEDULE 2Fabric Advisory Committees


1The fabric advisory committee shall consist of—

(a)not less than three nor more than five members appointed by the administrative body after consultation with the Cathedrals Fabric Commission, not being either members of the administrative body who are in Holy Orders or persons employed by the administrative body; and

(b)not less than three nor more than five members appointed by the Commission after consultation with the administrative body, being persons having special knowledge with respect to the care and maintenance of buildings of outstanding architectural or historic interest and a particular interest in the cathedral church concerned.

The number of members to be appointed by the administrative body and by the Commission shall be the same in each case and shall be determined, on each occasion when the committee is appointed, by the administrative body after consultation with the Commission.

2The committee shall appoint a chairman from among its members.

3The dean or provost of the cathedral church and the residentiary canons shall be entitled to attend, and to speak but not to vote at, meetings of the committee.

4It shall be the duty of the cathedral architect and the person (if any) holding office as archaeological consultant to the cathedral church to attend meetings of the committee unless the chairman permits or directs otherwise.

5No person who holds any paid office in the Commission shall be eligible for appointment as a member of the committee.

6The members of the committee shall hold office for a period of five years but shall be eligible for reappointment.

7The committee shall appoint some person, whether or not a member of the committee, to be secretary of the committee.

8Any expenses properly incurred by a member of the committee for the purposes of this Measure shall be reimbursed by the chapter of the cathedral church.