The National Health Service (Common Staffing Method) (Scotland) Regulations 2024


(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations make provision in relation to the common staffing method, introduced into the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978 (“1978 Act”) by section 4 of the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 (“2019 Act”).

Section 12IJ of the 1978 Act sets out a duty for geographical Health Boards and the Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service (“Agency”) to follow a common methodology when determining staffing provision for the types of health care mentioned in section 12IK of the 1978 Act. That duty will extend to certain Special Health Boards by virtue of section 5 of the 2019 Act. Section 12IJ(2) provides information on what constitutes the common staffing method, including the steps which are to be followed. The method includes, among other things, the use of a “staffing level tool” and “professional judgement tool” in determining the appropriate staffing levels for particular kinds of health care provision. Those tools are designed to provide quantitative information in order to assist in determining the appropriate staffing level based on patient needs. “Staffing level tool” and “professional judgement tool” are defined in section 12IJ(3) of the 1978 Act.

Regulation 2 of these Regulations specifies, for the purposes of section 12IJ(1) of the 1978 Act, that the frequency at which a Health Board or the Agency must use the common staffing method in relation to health care of a type mentioned in section 12IK of the 1978 Act, is no less often than once in each financial year.

Regulation 3 and the schedule prescribe, for the purposes of section 12IJ(3)(a) of the 1978 Act, the staffing level tool to be used in determining the appropriate staffing levels for each of the kinds of health care provision listed in column 1 of the table in the schedule. Each staffing level tool can be opened and used by those who have been granted access (“registered users”) via an IT platform currently hosted by the Scottish Standard Time System (“SSTS”)- a system used within the NHS. Registered users can access the IT platform at

Regulation 4 prescribes, for the purposes of section 12IJ(3)(b) of the 1978 Act, the professional judgement tool to be used in determining the appropriate staffing levels for each of the kinds of health care provision listed in column 1 of the table in the schedule. As for the staffing level tools, the professional judgement tool can be accessed by registered users via the IT platform currently hosted by the SSTS at