
8.  Where an appeal has been made under—

(a)section 32M(1)(a) of the Act and the appeal is successful—

(i)the applicant is for all purposes to be treated as having been issued with a Part 1A site licence by the local authority under section 32D of the Act on the day that the appeal is determined; and

(ii)in the case of renewal of a Part 1A site licence, the original licence is to be treated as having continued to have effect until the day that the appeal is determined;

(b)section 32M(1)(b) of the Act and the appeal is successful, the local authority is to be treated as having consented to the transfer on the day that the appeal is determined;

(c)section 32M(1)(c) of the Act and the appeal is successful, the local authority is to be treated as having transferred the licence to the previous holder of the licence on the day that the appeal is determined;

(d)section 32M(1)(d) of the Act and the appeal is successful, the revoked licence is to be treated as having continued in effect.