The National Health Service Superannuation Scheme (2008 Section) (Scotland) Regulations 2013

Amount of surviving child’s pension: deferred members
This section has no associated Policy Notes

2.E.12.—(1) This regulation applies for determining the annual amount of the pension payable under regulation 2.E.8(1) (surviving dependent child’s pension) if at the date of death the deceased was a deferred member of this Section of the scheme who was not also an active member, a non-contributing member or a pensioner member.

(2) That amount is the appropriate fraction of the basic death pension.

(3) In this regulation, “the basic death pension” means—

(a)if the deceased died within 12 months after ceasing to be an active member or a non-contributing member, the amount that would be the basic death pension for the purposes of regulation 2.E.10 (amount of surviving child’s pension: active members and non-contributing members) if the deceased had died on the day of so ceasing (disregarding any additional pension); and

(b)otherwise, the greater of—

(i)75% of the pension to which the deceased would have been entitled if the deceased had become entitled to a pension under regulation 2.D.1 (normal retirement pensions) on the date of death (disregarding any additional pension); and

(ii)75% of the pension to which the deceased would have been entitled if the deceased had become so entitled and the pension had been calculated on the assumption that the member was entitled to 10 years’ pensionable service (disregarding any additional pension),

and, in the case of a 2008 Section Optant, this is subject to regulation 2.K.24 (children’s pensions payable on the death of a 2008 Section Optant who is in receipt of a lower tier ill health pension under regulation E3 of the 2011 Regulations) and, in the case of a Waiting Period Joiner, this is subject to regulation 2.L.5 (children’s pensions payable on the death).

(4) In this regulation “the appropriate fraction” means—

(a)if there is a surviving parent of the dependent child or children or a surviving spouse or civil partner of a parent of the dependent child or children and a surviving adult’s pension is payable—

(i)one-quarter if there is only one dependent child; and

(ii)one-half if there are two or more dependent children; and


(i)one-third if there is only one dependent child; and

(ii)two-thirds if there are two or more dependent children.