Widow's pension when member marries after leaving pensionable employmentG6


This regulation applies where the member and his wife were not married to each other during any period of pensionable employment.


Subject to paragraph (3), the widow's pension will be equal to one-half of a pension calculated as described in regulation E1 (normal retirement pension) on the basis of the member's pensionable service on or after 6th April 1978.


If the member dies after the pension under this Section of the scheme became payable, the widow's pension for the first three months after the member's death (six months if the member dies leaving at least one dependent child dependent on the widow) will be equal to the amount of the pension that would have been payable under regulation G3 (member dies after pension becomes payable) if this regulation had not applied.


Where the F2scheme partner referred to in G14 (surviving F3scheme partner’s pension) becomes the member’s widow on the member’s death, the widow’s pension will, if it would be more beneficial to the widow, be equal to the F4surviving scheme partner’s pension that would have been payable if the widow and the member had not been married to each other.