The Town and Country Planning (Development Planning) (Scotland) Regulations 2008

Supplementary Guidance

This section has no associated Executive Note

27.—(1) When submitting a copy of any proposed supplementary guidance to the Scottish Ministers in accordance with section 22(6) of the Act the strategic development planning authority or the planning authority, as case may be, must provide to the Scottish Ministers a statement describing–

(a)what steps the authority took to secure adequate publicity of the proposal to adopt and issue supplementary guidance in accordance with section 22(3)(a) of the Act;

(b)any representations made to the authority; and

(c)the extent to which such representations were taken account of in the preparation of the proposed supplementary guidance.

(2) Supplementary guidance adopted and issued under section 22(1) of the Act in connection with a particular strategic development plan or local development plan may only deal with the provision of further information or detail in respect of the policies or proposals set out in that plan and then only provided that those are matters which are expressly identified in a statement contained in the plan as matters which are to be dealt with in supplementary guidance.