The Criminal Proceedings etc. (Reform) (Scotland) Act 2007 (Commencement No. 6) Order 2008

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

The Criminal Proceedings etc. (Reform) (Scotland) Act 2007 (“the 2007 Act”) received Royal Assent on 22nd February 2007.

Article 3 of and the Schedule to this Order bring into force various provisions of the 2007 Act, which will apply to the Sheriffdom of Tayside, Central and Fife from 23rd February 2009. The provisions coming into force on that date together with the relevant subject matter are listed in the Schedule to the Order.

The provisions commenced by this Order go hand-in-hand with the establishment of justice of the peace courts (“JP courts”) (and the associated disestablishment of district courts) in the Sheriffdom of Tayside, Central and Fife. The Justice of the Peace Courts (Sheriffdom of Tayside, Central and Fife) Order 2008 makes provision as to the establishment and disestablishment of those courts. The Justice of the Peace Courts (Sheriffdom of Lothian and Borders) etc. Order 2008 (S.S.I. 2008/31) made provision in relation to the establishment of JP courts in the Sheriffdom of Lothian and Borders on 10th March 2008. The Justice of the Peace Courts (Sheriffdom of Grampian, Highland and Islands) Order 2008 (S.S.I. 2008/93) (as amended by the Justice of the Peace Courts (Sheriffdom of Grampian, Highlands and Islands) Amendment Order 2008 (S.S.I. 2008/179)) made provision in relation to the establishment of JP courts in the Sheriffdom of Grampian, Highland and Islands on 2nd June 2008. The Justice of the Peace Court (Sheriffdom of Glasgow and Strathkelvin) Order (S.S.I. 2008/328) made provision in relation to the establishment of a JP court in the Sheriffdom of Glasgow and Strathkelvin. Further such Orders will be made in relation to the remaining two sheriffdoms to roll out the establishment of JP courts across the country.