
Articles 2 and 4


An area of the sea enclosed on its seaward sides by imaginary straight lines–

(a)from a point at the intersection of the line of the field boundary and the highwater level on the shore west of the Screen Rock on the west side of the Isle of Whithorn Bay (latitude 54° 41' 33" north, longitude 04° 21' 54" west) to a point at latitude 54° 41' 33" north, longitude 04° 21' 36" west;

(b)from a point at latitude 54° 41' 33" north, longitude 04° 21' 36" west to a point on the southernmost part of the promontory of the Cairn Fort at the high water level on the Isle of Whithorn (latitude 54° 41' 43" north, longitude 04° 21' 36" west);

and on its landward sides by the level of the high water within the area so enclosed.