The Rural Development Contracts (Rural Priorities) (Scotland) Regulations 2008


Table A

Land typeYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Improved grassland£105£105£50£50£50
Fruit & vegetable£300£300£60£60£60
Unimproved grassland/ rough grazing£5£5£5£5£5
Improved grassland£50£50£50£50£50
Fruit & vegetable£60£60£60£60£60
Unimproved grassland/ rough grazing£5£5£5£5£5

Table B

Woodland TypeMinimum wood or individual block size planted per year (hectares)CompositionMinimum stocking density per hectare at year 5 or when considered to be ‘established’
Productive conifer woodland (low cost)5.0
  • up to 85% conifers but predominantly spruce

  • at least 5% broadleaves

  • up to 10% open ground

Spruce – 2500

Broadleaves – 1100

Productive conifer woodland (high cost)5.0
  • up to 85% other conifers e.g. Scots Pine, Douglas Fir, Larch

  • at least 5% broadleaves

  • up to 10% open ground

Pine – 3000

Douglas Fir, Larch – 2000

Broadleaves – 1100

Productive broadleaved woodland2.0
  • at least 85% productive broadleaves e.g. Oak, Beech, Sycamore, Ash

  • up to 5% other broadleaves

  • up to 10% open ground

Oak, Beech – 3100

Sycamore, Ash – 2500

Other Broadleaf – 1100

Native woodland0.25
  • at least 75% species native to the locality and appropriate to the site

  • up to 25% open ground

Naturally regenerated native woodland0.25
  • at least 75% species native to the locality

  • up to 25% open ground

Mixed conifer / broadleaf woodland0.25
  • at least 80% mixed conifer and broadleaves, the latter being at least half of the planted area.

  • up to 20% open ground

Conifer – 2500

Broadleaves – 1600

Table C

Woodland TypeInitial Planting Payment Rate £/ha *Maintenance Payments Rate £/ha/year **

Paid as a lump sum on completion of planting


Paid as an annual payment for a period of 5 years. Trees must be satisfactorily “established” within 10 years of planting. Only payable where planting has occurred on agricultural land or abandoned agricultural land (i.e. at least 50% of a woodland type must be on agricultural land and/or abandoned agricultural land to be eligible for the maintenance payments)

Productive conifer woodland (low cost)840112
Productive conifer woodland (high cost)980133
Productive broadleaved woodland1780161
Native woodland875154
Naturally regenerated native woodland63070
Mixed conifer / broadleaf woodland1470154

The term “established” means that trees must be present to the minimum stocking densities specified, healthy, and in a condition capable of continued growth given no further weeding but subject to normal ongoing maintenance operations such as protection from inappropriate grazing by wild or domestic animals.

An additional establishment premium for using genetically improved planting material is available as follows:

Categories of genetically improved planting material£ per hectare
Sitka spruce seed orchard material that falls within the tested category in terms of regulation 4 of the Forest Reproductive Material (Great Britain) Regulations 2002(1)50
Sitka spruce vegetatively propagated tested “family mixture” material derived from controlled cross-pollination.150

Table D –

Woodland Improvement Grants option

Column 1Column 2
ItemStandard cost
Badger gates installed in fence lines which are cutting across an established badger run£110 per gate
Respace natural regeneration£500 per hectare
Pre commercial and non commercial woodland thinning£150 per hectare
Removal of tree crop to waste 3 6 metre high£750 per hectare
Woodland clearance benefiting raised bog/blanket bog – felling of waste£975 per hectare
Woodland clearance benefiting raised bog/blanket bog – felling and extraction£1375 per hectare
Seedling tree removal£35 per hectare
Small scale woodland thinning£300 per hectare
Chipping/mulching of tree debris and brash£500 per hectare
Restructuring with Caledonian Scots pine and other conifer£448 per hectare
Restructuring with mixed broadleaves£1,002 per hectare
Restructuring with native broadleaves£1,099 per hectare
Woodland deer impact reduction£30 per hectare for deer control during the first 5 years of a Deer Management Plan
Forest plan preparation£20 per hectare for first 200 hectares, £5 per hectare thereafter
Dead wood management£40 per hectare
Stock fence£4 per metre
Enhancing/modifying a stock fence in black grouse and capercaillie core areas£2 per metre
Upgrading stock to deer fence£2.75 per metre
Scare or temporary fencing£1.50 per metre
Rabbit proofing – existing or new stock/deer fence£1.90 per metre
Deer fence£6.90 per metre
Enhancing/modifying a deer fence in black grouse and capercaillie core areas£5 per metre
Conversion of deer fence to stock fence in black grouse and capercaille core areas£2 per metre
Fence removal£2 per metre
Gate for stock fence£100 each
Gate for deer fence£170 each
Ditch/drain blocking with plastic piling dams:Small ditches (up to 0.5 metres wide and deep)£60 per dam
Ditch/drain blocking with plastic piling dams:Medium ditches (between 0.5 and 1 metre wide and deep)£120 per dam
Ditch/drain blocking with plastic piling dams:Large ditches (between 1 and 2 metre wide and 0.5 and 1 metre deep)£280 per dam
Peat dam£0.26 per metre of drain or furrow blocked with peat dams. Minimum payment £300
Small scale tree and shrub planting (on a site not exceeding 0.25 hectares)£2 per tree or shrub
Provision of bat and bird boxes£15 per box.

S.I. 2002/3026.