
Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order brings into force on 25th June 2007 a number of the provisions of the Crofting Reform etc. Act 2007. These largely make amendments to the Crofters (Scotland) Act 1993 (“the 1993 Act”). The amendments deal with functions of the Crofters Commission, additional statutory conditions for croft tenancies, a complaints procedure for breaches of the statutory conditions, sub letting of crofts and determination of croft boundaries.

The 1993 Act is also amended as respects reorganisation schemes, the resumption and reversion of crofts, de crofting, common grazing and the definitions of “croft”, “members of a family” and “crofting community”.

New provisions are inserted into the 1993 Act to provide for the creation of new crofts, an application to court for access to a croft over land owned by the landlord, schemes for development on croft land or common grazings, appeals to the Land Court against decisions made by the Crofters Commission, regulations concerning loans and public notification.

The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 is amended with respect to the crofting community right to buy to enable the acquisition of the tenant’s interest in leases.

The Scottish Land Court Act 1993 is amended with respect to the constitution of and other arrangements for the Land Court.

Schedule 1 makes minor and consequential amendments. Schedule 2 is brought into force to repeal some parts of the 1993 Act.