
Amendment of the Budget (Scotland) Act 2004

2.—(1) The Budget (Scotland) Act 2004 is amended in accordance with paragraphs (2) to (7) of this article.

(2) In section 3 (overall cash authorisations)–

(a)in relation to the Scottish Administration, for “£21,930,987,000” substitute “£22,009,078,000;”; and

(b)in relation to the Forestry Commissioners, for “£52,435,000” substitute “£55,360,000”.

(3) In schedule 1–

(a)in column 1 (purpose)–

(i)in relation to the second purpose after “regeneration initiatives;” insert “anti-social behaviour;”;

(ii)in relation to the fourth purpose–

(aa)after “roads, bridges and” delete “certain”;

(bb)after “waterways; funding for” delete “most of the”;

(cc)for “certain other transport services” substitute “other transport and transport related services”; and

(dd)after “the Scottish Bus Group; support for” delete “certain”;

(iii)for the words of the tenth purpose, substitute “For use by the Scottish Ministers (through the Scottish Executive Finance and Central Services Department) on running and capital costs of the Scottish Public Pensions Agency; revenue support grants and payment of non-domestic rates in Scotland; other local authority grants and special grants relating to council tax and spend-to-save scheme; other services including payments under the Bellwin scheme covering floods, storms and other emergencies; expenditure on committees, commissions and other departmental services; grants to the Civic Forum; expenditure in relation to modernising government and efficient government; international relations and development assistance; expenditure in relation to running costs of the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service Inspectorate”; and

(iv)after the eleventh purpose insert–

12.  For use by the Scottish Ministers (through the Scottish Public Pensions Agency) on pensions, allowances, gratuities etc. payable in respect of the Teachers' and National Health Service Pension Schemes;

(b)in column 2 (amount of resources other than accruing resources)–

(i)in relation to the first purpose for “£1,060,138,000” substitute “£1,024,853,000”;

(ii)in relation to the second purpose for “£1,262,084,000” substitute “£1,261,960,000”;

(iii)in relation to the third purpose for “£784,325,000” substitute “£786,805,000”;

(iv)in relation to the fourth purpose for “£4,028,964,000” substitute “£4,083,411,000”;

(v)in relation to the fifth purpose for “£6,711,110,000” substitute “£6,564,745,000”;

(vi)in relation to the sixth purpose for “£1,365,058,000” substitute “£1,379,969,000”;

(vii)in relation to the seventh purpose for “£244,258,000” substitute “£250,090,000”;

(viii)in relation to the eighth purpose for “£8,848,000” substitute “£8,950,000”;

(ix)in relation to the ninth purpose for “£9,088,000” substitute “£9,133,000”;

(x)in relation to the tenth purpose for “£8,396,134,000” substitute “£7,235,786,000”;

(xi)in relation to the eleventh purpose for “£89,974,000” substitute “£89,052,000”; and

(xii)in relation to the twelfth purpose insert “£1,211,923,000”; and

(c)in column 4 (amount of accruing resources)–

(i)in relation to the first purpose for “£61,655,000” substitute “£61,249,000”;

(ii)in relation the third purpose for “£57,000” substitute “£340,000”;

(iii)in relation to the fifth purpose for “£12,100,000” substitute “£50,000,000”;

(iv)in relation to the sixth purpose, for “£2,761,000” substitute “£800,000”; and

(v)in relation to the seventh purpose for “£35,000” substitute “£50,000”.

(4) In schedule 2–

(a)in Part 1, for the overall amount of “£25,126,000” substitute “£23,500,000”;

(b)in Part 2, after entry ten insert–

11.  Recovery of Development Grant

Expenditure on housing and related issues

(c)in Part 2, for the overall amount of “£28,200,000” substitute “£60,000,000”;

(d)in Part 3, for the overall amount of “£26,000,000” substitute “£28,000,000”;

(e)in Part 4–

(i)in respect of item 1 of type of accruing resources, for the words “loans and grants” substitute “awards”;

(ii)delete item 2 of type of accruing resources and corresponding purpose;

(iii)delete item 4 of type of accruing resources and corresponding purpose; and

(iv)for the overall amount of “£222,787,000” substitute “£38,000,000”;

(f)in Part 5, for the overall amount of “£1,519,063,000” substitute “£2,000,000,000”;

(g)in Part 6–

(i)in respect of the second item of type of accruing resources after “chairman;” insert “receipts from fixed penalty notices”; and

(ii)for the overall amount of “£25,000,000” substitute “£35,000,000”;

(h)in Part 7, for the overall amount of “£18,000,000,” substitute “£17,300,000”;

(i)in Part 8–

(i)in respect of the first item of purpose, after “Records Enterprise” insert “(including Scottish Family History Research Service)”; and

(ii)for the overall amount of “£4,300,000” substitute “£4,500,000”;

(j)in Part 9, for the overall amount of “£650,000” substitute “£700,000”; and

(k)in Part 10–

(i)delete item 3 of type of accruing resources and corresponding purpose;

(ii)delete item 5 of type of accruing resources and corresponding purpose; and

(iii)for the overall amount of “£1,098,000,000” substitute “£500,000”; and

(l)after Part 11, insert–


Type of accruing resourcesPurpose

1.  Contributions in respect of Teachers' and National Health Service Superannuation

Expenditure on Teachers' and National Health Service Superannuation
Overall amount: £1,653,000,000.

(5) In schedule 3–

(a)in column 1 (amount of resources other than accruing resources) in relation to the third purpose, delete the words after “the Scottish Parliamentary Standards Commissioner,” and substitute “the Commissioner for Public Appointments in Scotland, the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, the Scottish Information Commissioner and the Commissioner for Children and Young People in Scotland; any other payments relating to the Scottish Parliament”;

(b)in column 2 (amount of resources other than accruing resources)–

(i)in relation to the first purpose for “£78,104,000” substitute “£81,029,000”; and

(ii)in respect of the third purpose for “£200,085,000” substitute “£279,085,000”; and

(c)in column 4 (amount of accruing resources) in relation to the first purpose for “£500,000” substitute “£2,500,000”.

(6) In schedule 4, in Part 3, in respect of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body, for the overall amount of “£250,000” substitute “£670,000”.

(7) In schedule 5 in respect of the fourth body (Scottish Water) in relation to the amount of borrowing for “£180,900,000” substitute “£151,100,000”.