The Scottish Network 2 Tourist Board Scheme Order 2004

Additional functions and powers

8.—(1) For the purposes of enabling the Board to carry out its principal function which is specified in section 172(2) of the 1994 Act, but subject to sub paragraph (3), the Board shall have the additional functions and powers conferred upon it by this scheme.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of sub paragraph (1), the Board shall have power–

(a)to hold property, subject to paragraph 9;

(b)to provide finance, whether by way of grant or loan, to any person in relation to activities relating to tourism;

(c)to borrow such sums as it may require;

(d)to grant security over its assets in respect of obligations incurred by it;

(e)to grant guarantees for obligations (arising out of loans or otherwise) incurred by other persons or grant indemnities;

(f)to enter into contracts with third parties (including the Scottish Tourist Board and any local authority or local authorities) for that third party to carry on activities relating to tourism on behalf of the Board, on such terms and conditions as the Board thinks fit;

(g)to consult, and enter into agreements with, third parties (including the Scottish Tourist Board and any local authority or local authorities) as to the manner in which the Board carries out its activities in relation to tourism; and

(h)to do anything which is calculated to facilitate, or is conducive or incidental to, the discharge of its principal function.

(3) The Board shall not, without the express or general consent given in writing of the Scottish Ministers (or of such body as they may direct the Board to consult) carry on activities relating to the promotion of tourism outside the United Kingdom.