The Parole Board (Scotland) Rules 2001

General procedure

19.—(1) Subject to the provisions of these Rules, a tribunal may regulate its own procedure for dealing with a case.

(2) Subject to paragraph (3), the chairman of the tribunal may give, vary or revoke directions for the conduct of the case, including directions in respect of–

(a)the timetable for the proceedings;

(b)the varying of the time within which or by which an act is required, by these Rules, to be done;

(c)the service of documents; and

(d)the submission of evidence,

and, following his appointment under rule 18(2), the chairman of the tribunal shall consider whether such directions need to be given at any time.

(3) Directions under paragraph (2) may be given, varied or revoked either–

(a)on the chairman of the tribunal’s own motion; or

(b)on the written application of a party to the chairman of the tribunal which has been sent to the other party and which specifies the direction which is sought,

but, in either case, both parties shall be given an opportunity to make written representations or, where the chairman of the tribunal thinks it is necessary and subject to paragraph (6), to make oral submissions at a preliminary hearing fixed in accordance with paragraph (4).

(4) Where the chairman of the tribunal decides to hold a preliminary hearing, he shall give the parties at least 14 days' notice of the date, time and place which has been fixed in respect thereof.

(5) A preliminary hearing shall be held in private.

(6) At a preliminary hearing, except insofar as the chairman of the tribunal otherwise directs,

(a)the chairman of the tribunal shall sit alone; and

(b)both parties and their representatives may attend.

(7) The chairman of the tribunal shall take a note of the giving, variation or revocation of a direction under this rule and shall send a copy to both parties as soon as practicable thereafter.