
Regulation 3(2)


Regulations 4A and 6(1)


1.  The following definitions shall apply for the purposes of this Schedule–

2.  No person shall use premises for the purposes of a butcher’s shop except–

(a)in accordance with a licence which is in force in respect of those premises; or

(b)where the exception made by paragraph 9 applies.

3.(1) A proprietor shall submit his application to the appropriate food authority not less than 42 days before the date on which a licence is required.

(2) The appropriate food authority shall within 42 days of the receipt of such an application–

(a)determine it; and

(b)give notice of their determination to the proprietor.

(3) A notice given under sub-paragraph (2) of the refusal of an application shall specify any condition in paragraph 5 which is not satisfied and shall contain particulars of the right to appeal which is conferred by section 37(1)(c) of the Act.

4.(1) The appropriate food authority shall issue a licence in respect of a butcher’s shop if–

(a)the proprietor has submitted to it an application which sets out his address and specifies the location of his shop or, in the case of movable premises, other information which identifies the premises to which the application relates; and

(b)it is satisfied that the conditions specified in paragraph 5 are met on the basis of the information submitted by the proprietor and any other information relating to the food business which it has acquired from an inspection of the shop or otherwise.

(2) The appropriate food authority shall not issue a licence (other than a licence issued following a successful appeal against revocation of a licence), until it has received a payment of a charge of £100 from the proprietor to whom it is issued.

(3) Any sum which is payable by way of, or on account of, a charge imposed under sub-paragraph (2) may accompany the application to which it relates and may be recovered from a proprietor as a debt by the food authority after it has determined the application.

5.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph 8, the conditions are that–

(a)the food business in the butcher’s shop complies with the requirements of these Regulations (including this Schedule) and the Food Safety (Temperature Control) Regulations 1995(5);

(b)(i)all persons handling meat in the shop have received a level of training in food hygiene to at least the standard of the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland Elementary Food Hygiene Course or the Certificate in Essential Food Hygiene of the Royal Society of Health; and

(ii)all supervisors of persons handling meat in the shop have received a level of training in food hygiene to at least the standard of the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland Intermediate Food Hygiene Course or the Royal Society of Health Certificate in Food Hygiene Management; and


(i)HACCP procedures are in place; or

(ii)the additional conditions set out in sub-paragraph (2) are fulfilled in relation to the shop.

(2) The additional conditions are–

(a)raw meat shall be kept separate at all times from unwrapped ready to eat foods including by the use of separate refrigerators, tools, equipment and utensils;

(b)where practicable separate staff shall be used for the handling of raw meat and the handling of unwrapped ready to eat foods;

(c)tools and other equipment must be adequately cleaned and disinfected by means of water or a suitable bactericidal agent; if water is used for sterilising tools it must be at a temperature of not less than +82(C;

(d)persons handling and preparing raw meat or meat products shall be required to wash their hands at least each time work is commenced or resumed or where contamination has occurred; where the same persons handle both raw meat and unwrapped ready to eat foods they must wash their hands after handling raw meat and before handling unwrapped ready to eat foods; wounds to the hands must be covered by a waterproof dressing;

(e)where ready to eat foods are prepared in the shop the process of cooking and cooling such foods shall be such as to ensure the microbiological safety of the foods; temperature monitoring of the preparation, storage and display of such foods must be carried out and records kept for a period of 12 months;

(f)a cleaning schedule for the shop specifying frequency, method and materials to be used shall be prepared and implemented; adequate records of cleaning shall be kept; and

(g)tools, equipment, utensils and cloths used in the shop shall only be used in the shop and shall be colour coded according to their use with, or indirectly in connection with, either raw meat or ready to eat food.

(3) Where any food sold or supplied from the shop involves or may involve an imminent risk of injury to health, the holder of the licence shall ensure in so far as practicable the recall of any food sold or supplied from the shop which is likely to present the same risk.

(4) Subject to sub-paragraph 7, the proprietor or other person for the time being in charge of the shop shall make available records of–

(a)where applicable, the HACCP procedures which apply in the shop; and

(b)the training which persons have undertaken to enable them to carry out operations in the shop;

when requested to do so by the appropriate food authority.

(5) Records made available under sub-paragraph (4) shall be either–

(a)in writing; or

(b)where there is a means by which it may be read, in electronic form.

(6) Records relating to the HACCP procedures which apply in the shop shall be kept–

(a)in the case of any document which sets out those procedures, until it is replaced by a further document which sets out those procedures;

(b)in the case of any document which records how those procedures have been applied, for the period of not less than 12 months which begins on the date of its creation.

(7) Records of the training which persons have undertaken to enable them to carry out operations in the shop shall be kept until those persons cease to be retained to carry out those operations.

(8) (a) Where premises are not being used as a butcher’s shop when the application relating to them is submitted to the appropriate food authority, the applicant shall provide information to that authority on the commercial operations, training and either the HACCP procedures which he proposes to introduce or the measures he proposes to take to ensure compliance with sub-paragraph (2) and the authority shall take that information into account when it determines the application.

(b)Paragraph 5(1)(b)(i) above shall not apply in relation to a person who is employed for the first time to handle meat in the shop during a period of six weeks from that person’s commencing employment.

6.(1) Subject to paragraphs 7 and 9 and to sub-paragraph (2), a licence shall remain in force for the period of one year commencing on the day on which it is issued.

(2) A licence shall cease to have effect when the proprietor to whom it was issued ceases to be the proprietor of the premises.

7.  Subject to paragraph 9, where a further licence is granted to a proprietor who has held a licence for not less than 8 months and both licences relate to the same butcher’s shop, that further licence shall be issued for the period of one year which commences immediately after the expiry of the other licence held by that person.

8.  Each licence shall contain the condition that the proprietor to whom it was issued shall give notice to the appropriate food authority of any material change, or intended material change, which may reduce the safety of food sold or supplied from the butcher’s shop to which the licence relates, including any material change to the layout, occupancy or ownership of the shop or the operation of the food business.

9.(1) Where any of the conditions specified in paragraph 5 cease to be satisfied in respect of the butcher’s shop, the appropriate food authority may suspend or revoke any licence which it has issued in respect of that shop.

(2) Where the food authority intends to suspend or revoke a licence pursuant to sub-paragraph (1), it shall give notice in writing to the proprietor informing him of–

(a)the decision to suspend or revoke the licence;

(b)the date on which it is intended that the suspension or revocation should take effect;

(c)the conditions specified in paragraph 5 which have been breached; and

(e)the right of the proprietor to appeal under section 37(1)(c) of the Act and of the time within which any such appeal must be made.

(3) Insofar as a licence has been suspended pursuant to sub-paragraph (1), the shop shall be treated for the purposes of these Regulations as if it was not licensed.

(4) The food authority shall lift the suspension of any licence where it is satisfied that the matters specified in the notice referred to in sub-paragraph (2) have been remedied.

(5) Where the food authority has refused to grant or has revoked the licence of any premises, a proprietor who, immediately before such refusal or revocation, had been using those premises as a butcher’s shop may continue to so use them, subject to any reasonable conditions imposed by the food authority for the protection of public health, unless–

(a)the time for appealing against the decision of the food authority has expired and no appeal has been lodged;

(b)an appeal has been finally disposed of or abandoned;

(c)a prohibition order, emergency prohibition notice, emergency prohibition order or emergency control order has been imposed on the premises pursuant to section 11, 12 or 13 of the Act; or

(d)the food authority has suspended the licence of the premises pursuant to sub-paragraph (1)..


S.I. 1991/2825; to which there are amendments not relevant to these Regulations.


S.I. 1995/539.


S.I. 1995/540.


S.I. 1995/2148.


S.I. 1995/2200; to which there are amendments not relevant to these Regulations.