The Edible Crabs (Conservation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations provide for obligations and prohibitions in relation to edible crabs less than 140mm in size and berried edible crabs in Northern Ireland.

Regulation 3 requires an edible crab less than 140mm in size brought on board a sea-fishing boat to be immediately returned to the sea and prohibits the retention of an edible crab less than 140mm in size in a stock cage.

In relation to berried edible crabs, regulation 4 prohibits their retention on board a sea-fishing boat, bringing to land, landing, retention in a stock cage or the removal of their eggs. Regulation 4 also requires a berried edible crab brought on board a sea-fishing boat to be immediately returned to the sea.

Regulation 5 of these Regulations provides for an exemption for foreign fishing boats or a person granted a permit under section 14 of the Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland) 1966.